I've played for a couple of hours now, and spoken to Ulysses through ED-E twice. The thing is, I'm a big House supporter, and in my current playthrough I have done all the House quests except for the very last one, the fight at Hoover Dam. I am vilified by the Legion, and through doing quests I have become Idolized by the NCR. I am in no way supporting the NCR at the Dam, and I have naturally failed the Don't Thread On The Bear! "quest" by doing a House playthrough.
However, Ulysses keeps adressing me as a New California Republic supporter. He's pointing out their flaws, saying they are too internally divided to hold onto their lands. I know I have a good reputation with the NCR, but I'm not a NCR supporter in this playthrough and it kind of annoys me how he still refers to me as one.
Is this correct, or is this a bug? If his only two 'speech-paths' are that of NCR or Legion, I'd understand why he speaks to me a if I'm NCR. But if there's also a House speech path, I'd be pretty bummed out.