I have read about the possibility to clean the fallout 3 goty cache in order to "prevent" crashes or freezes of the game.
But i still don't understand HOW...i've read to press L2+R2+SQUARE.. but WHEN i have to do so ? And I have to do it Always When I Start Fallout ? Or When The Game Presents Problems?(freezes,lag,etc..)
I'm very confused about this procedure...
Can Someone please explain me ?
Thanks in advance...
The replies are correct at the trophy sync screen. I'm not sure what it does though. I have done it as well, it does something. Supposedly when you power down the PS3 with the PS button, then cut the power once it shuts down with the switch in the back clears the cache as well, but they eliminated that with the Slim models. But I still experience crashes in the exact same spot in PL, at this tree branch before you enter the Park dock area. There for, any bugs in the game are not related to the game install data, but to your game save data. Yes, I have deleted the install, restarted the game and have the same problems. You will never know when it'll happen until you're stuck in a repeating groundhog day of crashes, bugs, laggs ect. The bottom line is that no one should have to do anything speacial to play their game. It's just unheard of to go through these steps to play a game. I think Bethesda knew it would have problems with their dlc in regards to the PS3 due to the delay in release and the year and a half wait to get it. I don't think it was a timed exclusive thing. It's just an unfamiliarity with the PS3 archetecture. The 360 and PC have more RAM than the PS3 which why the game is more "stable" on those platforms. Gorgeous games like Uncharted, Killzone, Grand Turismo require little to no install. The developers know the archetecture of the hardware and utilize the PS3's SPUs properly. It's odd though that Shivering Isles was released on a separate disk and I have never had a problem with it. One thing for sure is, Bethesda should realize what a great game they made and almost 2 years ago, people are still playing it and are just as enthusiastic about making it work. It's a shame thought that they and other publications (ie magazines, web sites, ect.) are ignoring this huge pink elephant that is sitting in everyones' PS3. Good luck to with your game. I too am looking forward to New Vegas, but I am weary of playing it due to these problems.