Hi Fallout comunity,
i have a question about the Fallout 4 language localisation for the european area. I'am from germany but I wanted to buy the Fallout 4 Stellbook Edition (sadly Amazon excluxive). There was just a simple problem: It was sold out. So i ordered the Fallout 4 Steelbook Edition in France. So there is a big question about the voice / text: Will be a german voice / text on the french Steelbook Edition too? Or is it possible to switch to the german voice layer on steam?
I found this in the "Fallout 4 release info -- including PC System Requirements" thread but i'am still not sure.
What languages does Fallout 4 support?
- In most European territories, Fallout 4 supports English/French/Italian/German/Spanish voice/text
Thank you!