For example, I have a mod called "PLFewerItems" that removes some of the stuff in Point Lookout. It has 158 records, of which 58 are deletions. If I run it through Undelete and Disable References, does that mean the items will still be gone in game?
Also, does anyone use I've found a big FPS increase by using it, but running it through Undelete and Disable References gives me this message:
[Undeleting and Disabling References done] Processed Records: 16993 Undeleted Records: 15380 Elapsed Time: 00:22
That seems like quite a large portion, and I don't want to ruin the mod. I run BAIN, so it's easy to recover if I do something wrong, but I'd like to make sure that I'm doing things right.

Edit: Though trying to resave it after undeleting that much makes FO3Edit choke, so I guess it's a moot point.
Edit Edit: Is there a list of mods NOT to clean anywhere? For example, MMM.esp shows up with 70-something identical to master records, but it's so complicated I don't know if it should be cleaned at all.