Thanks for the answer
I am finding a lot of the principals of scripting that I learnt in MW are still useful in FO3 (never did much beyond some building in Oblivion) but I think what is holding me back is I still think in terms of MW scripting, which at times I need to make adjustments (a habit which, I'm sure, I'll break in time).
I was looking at the workbench script (it's a useful one for me to learn from tbh as it does a few things I'm trying to do myself) - I notice that it starts with an OnActivate block then a GameMode block - what I'm wondering is that is the GameMode block still running whilst the player is in the cell or does in only run when the workbench is activated due to the preceding OnActivate block?
Also, I think I might be able to avoid GameMode for what I'm trying to do, would the following work...
Item A enables/disables something depending on it's item count. However, options B and C, as well as A, can all alter the item count.
A GameMode on item A, checking the item count, would obviously work.
Now, suppose I add item D with an OnActivate block that checks the item count and does the necessary enabling/disabling. I then set items A, B and C to activate item D once they've been interacted with.
Would this work and would it be more efficient, in terms of how often scripts are running?
Hope this makes sense and once again, thanks for the help :goodjob: