Question about how saved games react...

Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 12:52 am

Hi there I got a rather strange occurrence happening on my werewolf save. Last I knew the summon reward I got for completing quests on my werewolf character worked... but recently after removing some mods when I try to use the wolf summon nothing happens. When I uncheck all but the base esm's required bloodmoon tribunal and morrowind I can summon bone wolf again but when I reactivate the mods it comes up blank when summoning again. This is not happening to the mazed band summons the venomous fab appears fine.

So here is the question... can removing mods active in a save cause a summons effect gmst to break? If this is possible its a first for me but somethings happening as when the main esm's are all that's checked the summons works. I don't believe that I've added anything that changes summon effect 03 while it does sound like a dirty gmst reference the stuff I've been messing with I don't have any gmst's and I haven't been saving the game while loading a esp I'm modding back and forth... That's the effect title name when mouse is over it while its in the active effects list summon effect 03.

Added a bit latter: The mod in question that was removed was a simple class addon based on world of warcraft I was tinkering with, only classes where in it.
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Connor Wing
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Post » Wed Dec 29, 2010 9:09 pm

Ok, I just tested this out further, it has noting at all to do with a single saved game its morrowind period. What ever has gone wrong, unless I uncheck all esp's etc and only leave the morrowind esm tribunal esm and bloodmoon esm as the active files the summon bear, wolf, and bone wolf gmst's are treated like blanks the spells are there they just never do anything besides making summon creatore 01, 02, and 03 visible in the effects list.

Its very odd this this is happening when there are no dirty gmst files overwriting those 3 effects yet unchecking everything but the main game esm and official expansion esm's is what fixes it. Seems my morrowind install is loosing its head. I've already reinstalled it too it also seems to be when this started to happen. The only other thing I can type is I'm also using the morrowind code patch 1.8, I had tried to install the python 1.6 version but python is unable to run it even when python 3.2 is installed. I did completely delete the directory for the mcp files between installs so it shouldn't be a dirty 1.8 install. At least I don't think it should be.
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Monika Fiolek
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 4:05 am

Well as for what started to cause this strangeness in the first place I don't know but unchecking the h.e.l.l.u.v.a. merchant containers esm and the weapon pack complete esp fixes this. This is very very odd as there's no gmst files in either I've had these for some time any never had the summonings for bloodmoon fail to get the gmst's loaded while the weapons pack was active.

Added a bit latter: This is happening with a fresh morrowind-tribunal-bloodmoon install by the way.
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