have read posts from other players expressing their favorite guns but don't see that much on melee weapons has anybody mostly done a play thru using melee or unarmed? the pro's and con's. i guess i could see a con with that style in quarry juntion.
have read posts from other players expressing their favorite guns but don't see that much on melee weapons has anybody mostly done a play thru using melee or unarmed? the pro's and con's. i guess i could see a con with that style in quarry juntion.
i have used both short range attacks. i like melee better. one thing is short range attacks don't use ammo. if you use a motorized short range weapon, don't take the heavy handed trait. because of less crital hit damage. fast weapons like machines guns and motorized short range weapons have a different critical hit chance factor.
stonewall is a good perk to take. if you want all the perks, both unarmed and melee need to be at 90.
i mostly use melee in OWB. i suggest bringing lots of turbo or that turbo perk.
oh, don't depend entirely on short range weapons because sometimes the nastys are just ouyt of range.