I asked because looking over at some of my mods, I noticed cell and world records with 00, while the rest of the branches were 'new'(01). For example one where I just dropped a barrel into the starting prison cell(the object has it's own name/FormID, etc) it came up in TESGecko, i wasn't sure about tagging ignore on them both, since..all I did was drop a barrel there, moving nothing else in the room/cell.
This is normal. When you drop that barrel in the room, the plugin also has to store a pointer to what room you put it in, so there will be a record for the cell included. If you drop something outdoors, it will also include the worldspace record above the cell.
You should only be concerned about this if you end up with those worldspace and/or cell records included and there are no actual changes made to those records. That's why cleaning mods should be primarily done using the automated tools meant for it. Preferably with tes4edit, but Gecko can do it too.