Question about mod: "Ultimate 3rd Person Camera"

Post » Tue Nov 02, 2010 2:59 am

I was getting rather frustrated due to the fact I could not hit a target with a bow! I could be lazy and do the uncool thing and just go to DarNified's 3rd person Crosshair, however that still isn't the best solution, plus I can't figure out how to make that a permanent change, since everytime I log off Oblivion and log back on, DarNified's settings are back to default.

Anyways, so I have been watching this mod for awhile now and been carefully considering using it or not (I was even thinking it before I had an archer) but there is one problem that is a rather large problem that I can't get over:

"I've tried this with many, many mods. The only troublesome are these, but they have workarounds
I didnt find a workaroundlike I did in UV automatic camera changing.
You just have to use special attacks in classic 3rd person camera, or not use them.
Everything else works fine..."

Though I did read it says I can just not use the special attacks or only use them in the classic camera, I can't get over that fact that it could cause problems to my game - seeing as how I am constantly using DR's special combat moves.
So, basically all I need to know, is if I were to use DR alongside this mod, and used a special combat move while in the new 3rd person camera, would it cause any potentially harmful outcomes to my game (or it crashing)? or would the camera - when using the special moves - automatically default to classic 3rd person...or would it just look funky when I try to do the special combat moves in the new 3rd person camera?
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Chris Guerin
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Post » Tue Nov 02, 2010 5:36 am

I was getting rather frustrated due to the fact I could not hit a target with a bow! I could be lazy and do the uncool thing and just go to DarNified's 3rd person Crosshair, however that still isn't the best solution, plus I can't figure out how to make that a permanent change, since everytime I log off Oblivion and log back on, DarNified's settings are back to default.

I pretty sure you asked this before and you where told to edit \menus\prefabs\darn\hudmainmenu_config.xml

On line 21, change <_ch3rdperson> 0 to <_ch3rdperson> 1
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Alycia Leann grace
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Post » Tue Nov 02, 2010 7:59 am

I have not ever asked anything about editing the DarNified settings before, but thank you for that. However, do like the Ultimate Camera so I would like to use it, but if it causes major gamebreaking problems with Deadly Reflex then no thanks. So before I go editing the setting (which again I thank you for) I would like to know if this mod could work, even if it looks a little weird, I would be willing to use it.
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