A Question About Order of Installation

Post » Sat Apr 06, 2013 1:37 pm

First, as per usual, let me preemptively apologize for making this thread if there's a more appropriate place to ask this question.

My question is... does the order in which I install the Morrowind Code Patch, MGE XE, and the official plugins matter? Do they affect each other, such as overwriting files?

You may ask, "Well, unless it said it overwrote something, then it obviously didn't." Unfortunately, I know that logically, but I have OCD and this thought is kinda bothering me a lot. Hopefully it's not a difficult question, and hopefully making a thread about this question is acceptable. :sweat:

Thank you for your time.
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Lyndsey Bird
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Post » Sat Apr 06, 2013 7:53 am

Morrowind Code Patch is a tool which modifies Morrowind excecutable.

MGE XE is a tool which through DLLs intercepts data exchange between morrowind and graphics card.

Official plugins are ESP files.

Those three are completely different things which do different things and won't conflict if you change the order of install. :smile:
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Pat RiMsey
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