Question about sheathing weapons in NifSkope

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:49 am

Can anyone point me to a tutorial about creating 1H weapons that sheath on the back like a claymore? Basically I have a sword mesh that I want to use for a 1H weapon so I can have a shield with it, but I want it to mount on the back instead of the hip. Is that possible?

Any tips are appreciated - thanks in advance!
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Melis Hristina
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:08 am

In order to have the weapon on the back you need to change the property "SideWeapon" to "BackWeapon" in the "NiStringExtraData" block that has the name "SideWeapon" (how surprising). You also need to change that name to "BackWeapon" as well. So the mesh will have this structure after wards:
0	NiNode		LongSword1	BSXFlags		BSX2	NiStringExtraData	BackWeapon

Unfortunately the one- and twohandedness of weapoons is hardcoded into the game so you are going to have to use the NifScript utility to be able to change the sword from twohanded to onehanded. There's a thread here somewhere, I saw it yesterday so you won't have to search too long to find it. Hope this helps.
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