Yes. I tend to get every Word Wall before I start the MQ.
You learn the words, yes. But you cannot unlock the shouts unless you snuff dragons.
yes you can, but they will not be of any use, since you need Dragonsouls to unlock their power
I forgot about that, but even so, I don't regularly use shouts
Yes, but I tend to avoid those depending if my character is a match for them.
Most Shouts have similar effects to magical spells, which tends to discourage me from using them as well. I've never had a Shout-centered character... may try that sometime. They would mesh well with two-handed or dual-wielding, I think.
You should try the Amulet of Talos glitch. I find it really fun, especially against Miraak.
Shadow my good friend, mind elaborating on this said glitch..?
It gives you unlimited Shouts as there is no cool down timer.
If you know the Fortify Restoration glitch then you already know how. Just subsitute the neck piece with the Amulet of Talos.
and, lets hypothetically say I don't know this restoration glitch.. (I have never actually used restoration)
thanks Shadow, hope your enjoying your weekend