Ok so the other day i asked my friend if he likes skyrim, then he just says "The graphics are bad". Honestly i think Skrim's graphics are great, does anyone know why he would say this?
Ok so the other day i asked my friend if he likes skyrim, then he just says "The graphics are bad". Honestly i think Skrim's graphics are great, does anyone know why he would say this?
The opinions of graphics junkies do not matter in way, shape or form.
Ask his Guide (Seeing Eye) Dog for their opinion!
Skyrims graphics are great, but graphics don't really matter. A good game needs to have a good story.
I guess that is true, since morrowind and oblivion didnt have great graphics but great storyline.
your friend probably spends his days playing Crysis 3
Skyrim has Good Graphics!
OK oblivion could have had Better Graphics for 2006 but Morrowind U MAD Bro?
Morrowind graphics were insane for 2002!
Graphics don't matter.. all a game requires is fun gameplay and an engaging story..
I've always been able to immerse myself fully into the game, and let my mind fill in any of my perceived deficits. Skyrim is an interactive work of art, and I'm appreciative of what IS there versus what is NOT.
This. Half Life 2s graphics are, for example, 100x better than Oblivions, and Half Life 2 was released in 2004.
And the graphics are far superior to the graphics I'M used to playing with BTW as far as RPG's go. Note that this past generation of games I haven't played any of except OB and FO:NV so I'm pretty ignorant of the graphics of them. Correction, I've played GTA San Andreas which doesn't compare and Fable III which DOES have better graphics. Game can't compare to Skyrim though after one play through though IMO.
Not true. They do matter but they are only a piece of the pie. Sadly people exists that think graphics are everything. Good thing is though i think the graphics craze is reaching it's limit.
The way I see it, if, and only IF the graphics were the slightest bit bad, it still doesnt matter because everything else in the game makes it a great game. Skyrim is a beautiful game. I think your friend has issues.
I disagree..
I play many games with poor graphics that I enjoy much more then games with amazing Graphics. http://ca.ign.com/images/games/might-and-magic-platinum-edition-pc-13975/4fa6c978cdc388ed13e4c323
heck, I even play text-based adventure games
Then it really doesnt matter what he thinks.....lol
Graphics do matter and help improve the experience a game gives. Aliens: Colonial Marines for example was let down because it's poor graphics and lighting could not create the proper atmosphere the game needed. Skyrims graphics are dated but not too bad.
Gameplay is the ultimate factor but anyone who says graphics do not matter is only trying to convince themselves otherwise. Saying graphics don't matter is like saying sound doesn't matter.
Graphics are important and if they weren't i doubt all these companies that make computers and game consoles that would really push as much as they do to raise the bar. I say that because they may not be the most important but they are definitely the most demanding performance wise and without graphical evolution we wouldn't be where we are today in terms of hardware. But to each his own i guess...
Graphics do matter to me a little. When I got Oblivion GOTY in December 2011, it didn't look all too good. I'd played games like the aforementioned Half Life 2, and also the Stalker games, that had more impressive graphics than Oblivion. I believe you have to be with a game from the start to appreciate it beyond its graphics - Total War: Empire, Shogun 2 and Rome 2 all have amazing graphics, but since I started with the original Medieval, that still appeals to me and the graphics still look fine (as do the ones in Medieval 2...not to mention that was the last one with the most freedom in terms of modding). I tried Civilisation III back in 2009, and I was fine with it since I hadn't played its successors. Heck, even Age of Empires I and II look fine to me because I played them when they first came out. Oblivion was late to the party, a little too late. Skyrim looks just right even on the lowest settings, but it still matters.
Eyecandy is nice but I'd rather have better story and gameplay over perfect or near perfect graphics. I still prefer Morrowind over most modern games because of that. Wish I had played it back in 2002.
Because they are bad?
Low res (and buggy) textures
crappy(and glitchy) shadows
Ugly seams eveywhere
The brown and grey color palette
Even half life 2 looks better.
Games are an interactive audiovisual media and you say that the visual part doesn't matter? That is the derpiest thing I've heard today. Graphics matter alot. For example take batman arkham asylum (or city) and replace the batmans cape with an animation based cape instead physics. I recon that would degrade the quality of the game so much that many people might not even finish the game bacause of that (too immersion breaking).
Witcher 2 also came over two years ago.
Skyrims graphics were great when it came out but it has been close to 2 years so you do have to take that into account. Although they don't match what they could look like if Skyrim came out this year they are indeed adding quite well.
Who knows maybe he's referring to all the small things like the texture pop-ins and small but noticeable things like that.