question about the black books...

Post » Sun May 05, 2013 1:11 pm

im just curious if i can go after all the black books right away and go through them to get everything... or will that cause problems?

are the black books only supposed to be found and used at certain points, or what?

i already found winds of change and did that... i swear i read on the UESP wiki at some point that one of the black books can be permanently unobtainable if you do something in a certain order... but i cant find it, anymore... it had something to do with the hidden twilight, i think... the book inside tel mithryn.

strangely, the UESP wiki doesnt list the glitch anymore... i hope i dont run into any problems.

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Juanita Hernandez
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 6:27 pm

The black books for this DLC are provided to you as needed in the game. Some are needed for the MQ. Some are part of some side quests for an NPC on the island. Just read them as you get them or are directed to read them. I remember one time reading the book before I wanted to, so I left where I went to and came back. I then read the book later for the MQ.

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