So imagine a player buys the imperial edition ONLY for the 5 days headstart, he/she doesn't care about the imperial armor,
or the horse or anything else.. Then on the first day of pre-access, the server shuts down because of the load, the gameplay
is so laggy that it's almost unplayable with constant disconnects and queues to login.
So thats 1 days gone of 5, you're now down to 4 days, when you payed extra for 5 days.
Then on the 2nd day, the problems remains. Players constantly disconnecting and having login-queues, with sporadic
"server down" or "server maintenence".. Then you have 2 days gone from your 5 days.
Then on the 3rd day, a new batch of players comes in, the ones with 3day headstart, and the servers gets more problems
keeping up with the amount of logins. DC's and queues are a constant. Now you have 2 days left of possibly stable gameplay
without DC's and queues.
So lets hypothetically say that the worst happens, Zinemax "weren't ready" despite all headsup about the incoming rush...through
sales-numbers of pre-orders - like a person that doesn't see the barndoor until it hits him in the face.
What then ?. A person who spend extra money for 5 days headstart, pretty much got nothing out of it since the servers weren't prepared
or ready for the amount of players. Would you delay the games release to make up for the lost 5day headstart?.
You can buy upgrade for the imperial armor anyday after release. The horse is a joke simply because it offers nothing special.
The only thing UNIQUE is the 5day headstart, and if this hypothetical problem occurs, then you've just removed the only thing
unique about the pre-order - the only thing that CANNOT be bought or upgraded to after launch.
So if the worst came to happen, how would you make it up to the players who spend those extra $ simply for the headstart ?.
After having played 2 very buggy beta's. i've gone from "im SO buying ESO preorder" to .... i'll think about it.
And after doing some checking up's on facts, the headstart is the only carrot for me - hence my worries.