You name your character whatever you want. There is even a list of names (it is unknown what names are on it, other than Howard) and if your name is on it, certain characters will speak it.
Certain characters meaning your robot butler.
He is one we are certain about.
There are certain other characters I believe could also use it (like spouse, if they are alive).
I think it is actually Howard.
Todd said they recorded over "a thousand of the most popular names for HIM to say."
Do I need to mention the difference between "him" and "only him"? The only thing they confirmed is that our robot will say it, not that he is one of the few or the only one.
It is not reasonable to assume a variety of voice actors took the time to say a thousand names in different intonations which it would necessitate if your name was used with any regularity which it presumably would be to justify doing it in the first place. They can have Codsworth do it cuz he's a robot and weird intonation goes with that. People? Naaah.
*sigh* I am not talking about variety of voice actors. TWO is what I'd expect here, three at maximum (Codesworth, spouse, Big Bad) with those other two not necessarily having a list as large as Codesworth's.
~shrug~ Kay, I think it's not gonna be a thing but live the dream.
Agreed here. I don't see why they would have specifically called out Codsworth saying 1000 names if it were more than just him. Would have brought more hype to the people that care about that kind of thing.
You can call him 'Mr. F***face' if you like...