I saw a nice blue PS3 in Game Stop the other day and it was new. I was slightly tempted to buy it. But I figured I'd just save my money and get a PS4 instead.
I saw a nice blue PS3 in Game Stop the other day and it was new. I was slightly tempted to buy it. But I figured I'd just save my money and get a PS4 instead.
I can't access that image... perhaps blocked in Canada?
Well, there are so many nice PS3 games out there, you will be forced having a PS3 too. Like i do. !!!
Now you can.
haha, thanks
I really like that one.. makes my standard "all black" model look very plain and depressing
I have a white one...
I wouldn't---to me the PS4 is more restricted and there's really not a lot of games for it, the PS3 can do the same as PS4, isn't as restricted, has more games, games for the Ps4 are also on the PS3 and you can find a 500GB PS3 cheaper then a PS4.
But the standard black one looks like a http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v326/wheelz_23/weapons/PhotonTorpedo.jpg .
Ha, ha ha...
Actually that's the thingie in Star trek, that putting the dead people in there, and shooting them in space. !!!