For a long, long time I've had peculiar fingers - My pinky fingers, when put next to each other, form a Y, and I can easily bend most of my fingers more than 90° back, touch my wrist with the nail of my thumb, etc, etc. I score 5-6 out of 9 on the Beighton scale, which indicates HMS (Hypermobilty syndrome) but what I've always been able to do, without any real explanations. When I lock my fingers ( a very clearly defined groove/depression/place to keep small items in becomes clearly visible, I have a picture of it here: I've never seen anyone else do this.
So, I ask those of you who have devoted more time than me to fingers - What is this?
Oh, and can HMS have an effect on handwriting? I've always been terrible when it comes to writing, I've been criticized since before I can remember myself for illegible handwriting, so having an actual excuse other than "I just never got it right" would be a lot better, because this has caused me a lot of grief. (And most likely lowered my scores on exams considerably!

Thanks in advance, folks!