I am shure that many of you guys are harried about how the gaming industrie treat us.
I am 32 Years old and play Games on the PC since 1995.
In the old Days the games were developed for fun, from gamers for gamers.
But today the lies and scams get out of hand.
I dont want to say that Brink fooled us with fake content like the ridiculous TwoWorlds2 or Kayne&Lynch2 (and there are many more examples, DA2 90% on GT.com...thats just a joke).
But they fooled us with the level of performance and tricked us with faked reviews.
Beside the fact that the game is full of bugs and performance problems.
What about the 3 Gamemodes? SinglePlayer, Coop and Multiplayer. All 3 are exact the same. There is no difference at all.
Now i read in this forum that all 3 plattforms have more or less the same problems.
Why do i write this?
Because its time to wake up. Not just PC Gamer...Console Players as well!!
Dont you see that the gamingindustrie tricked us the last years over and over again. And it will become more and more. Half half-done Games. Expensive DLC′s with content ,cut out of the original game. Performance lies and much much more. Gametrailers.com and other do there part to fool us.
Now my Question to all of you is: Arent you sick of this kind of treatment?
Dont preorder any Games in the Future, dont buy [censored] DLC′s for ridiculous prices. Dont trust any re-or previews. You CAN NOT trust them. They only want our money and i am sick of it.
P.S. Im not english so please overlook if something is ungrammatical