I bought the game and I didn't play a lot in the multiplayer because I wanted to finish the single player.
Today I finished the single player because I hadn't enought time to finish it until today.
My level in the multiplayer is 5 and I saw the Double-XP weekend and I started to play.
I played in a ranked server and I got a lot of XP. After this game I played in an unranked server I had very good result but I didn't get any XP.
Am I get XP only in ranked servers?
I have a problem with EADM: I installed the game and the EADM. I put the CD key in the EADM and played the game via the EADM. Today I did an update to the EADM because I hadn't enogh time and now I can talk with friends while I am playing. I tried to play Crysis 2 via the EADM but when I click on the play button in the library games nothing happen. I can play Crysis 2 only via the folder of Crysis 2.
What is the problem?
Thanks a lot,
Or Montag