1. I was concerned that when the Legion stranger offers me the Mark and to join Caesar, Boone was just going to flambé this guy's fair white skin before the messenger could even say a word as soon as he saw Legion.
Boone and I were supposed to go Legionnaire hunting together since joining forces, at least, that's what i told him But owing to my selfish nature, Boone and I haven't even taken a shot yet at a follower of Caesar. we've been doing other stuff. So he may be getting a bit antsy right now is all I'm saying,
Anyway...back to number 2.....
2. I'm also concerned that should I take the Legion's Mark seriously and visit Caesar, will Boone absolutely lose his mind when get on that raft and he see his first legionnaire? I can ask him to be passive but these pricks enslaved the woman he loved for goodness sakes. How passive could he be?
So my (very lengthy) question to you is, can I bring Boone along to the fort where i get the chip and move one step closer to a more independent New Vagas, or will he just become all irrational and screw the whole thing up for me by going on a Legion killing rampage?