So true.
I've noticed in the Imperial City shack that there is a stone vase or pitcher that no matter how many times I place it on the shelf when I leave and return a few days later it is always back to the original spot on the floor in front of the chest where it was when I first bought the shanty! Poltergiest maybe? or one of my Thieves Guild mates having a bit of fun with me?

You need to make your home arrangements around these respawning items. If you remove an item, it will respawn in about a week, forcing anything you put in its place to explode your house.
You don't even know how many times i've rage quit OB because of this... once took an entire day to sort a book shelf...
Ah yes, spending an hour placing a book in Oblivion because everything has to be 'just right' fun times.
Rage quitting while decorating is normal for me.
This is my biggest peeve with this game. You give us all these things to place around our home, but no real way of placing them without explosions all over the place.