Yeah, If I loot something it tends to stay in my inventory.. and I loot alot.
Food, junk crap, ammo and more food, crappy weapons that I intend to sell but never do, and other stuff.
I've done this in every RPG, and Mass Effect was so cruel to me..
And in real life, my garage is awful.
Hahaha... Wow... You are my hero.
I usually sell all guns besides my beautiful Vera (Anti Material Gun) I'll keep that and maybe afew other guns, and alot of the unique weapons I save. The only armor I keep are faction armors for which ever faction I'm helping in the game - and only if I like it (so in current game I'm keeping NCR Trooper Armor, NCR Ranger Patrol Armor, and NCR Combat Armor) amongst with the Followers coat. But those are in my closets at Lucky 38.
And the weapons I keep with me all the time are the Gobi Campaign Rile, All-American, and usually a spare Anti-Material Gun (.50 Cal), and a 12.7mm Pistol with silencer for close quarters and silence. But even with the .50 Cal I usually keep that on my companion and just yank it when I need it.
I don't waste time with Sunset Sasporellos or Pure Waters since they weight me down, and most foods or items in the Aid section that have any weight I dispose of them or sell them almost instantly.
So by the time I'm level 20 I usually have 40,000 Caps almost at every giving second.