me.Cast 0100793F xxxxxxx
Is it possible to make the refrence (the x's) whoever I am combating? This a crucial step in my mod so I need an answer.
me.Cast 0100793F xxxxxxx
if IsKeyPressed 20 == 1 ; caps lock me.Cast 0100793F xxxxxxxxxx
me.Cast 0100793FNever, ever (for any reason whatsoever) use a FormID in a script. The first two digits of any FormID are actually determined by load order. If your mod loads first after Oblivion.esm, the first two digits will be 01. If it loads second after the Oblivion.esm, the first two digits will be 02 and so on in hexadecimal progression. Calling a FormID in a script like this will rarely (if ever) get the desired result. Use the EditorID of the spell instead, since doing so bypasses this issue.
scn PMControlQuestSCRIPTref me ; the controlled creaturefloat xfactme ; position in Xfloat yfactme ; position in Yfloat zfactme ; position in Zfloat xfact ; position in Xfloat yfact ; position in Yfloat zfact ; position in Zfloat height ; position in Z added depending on Xanglefloat speedmod ; how far the player is placed from the creaturefloat direc ; angle in Zfloat angle ; used to set the angle of the fof to the playersfloat Xangle ; angle player is looking - upp and + downshort attackactivated ; is the creature attacking 1short transformback ; used to transfor back to normal 1Short attackingcreature ; is 1 if the creature can attack need to be 1 for attacksshort started ; has the quest startedfloat fQuestDelayTimefloat movemodfloat distancefloat distanceZfloat distance5float distanceZ5float distance6float distanceZ6float distance7float distanceZ7float healthshort runtoggleref sourceref getCombatTargetfloat MORPHcrimeshort movingfloat dist2float distref source1ref source2short activatecounterBegin Gamemode; when quest starts if started == 0 player.addspell PMControlSpell player.addspell SUPERFRENZY set distance to -2 set distance5 to -2 set distance6 to -2 set distance7 to -2 set started to 1 set fQuestDelayTime to 0.001 StopQuest PMControllQuest endif if transformback == 1 && me != 0 player.SetActorAlpha 1 player.setghost 0 player.UnequipItem torch02 EnablePlayerControls player.addspell PMcontrolAB set fQuestDelayTime to 0.001 set transformback to 2 me.SetUnconscious 0 elseif transformback == 2 set fQuestDelayTime to 0.001 if moving >= 1 && moving <= 9 set moving to moving + 1 me.RemoveScriptPackage me.AddScriptPackage PMControldummyPac elseif moving == 10 set moving to 1 me.RemoveScriptPackage endif if player.Getdistance me > 999999999 set moving to 0 me.moveto player endif if activatecounter >= 1 && activatecounter < 10 set activatecounter to activatecounter + 1 elseif activatecounter == 10 set activatecounter to 0 endif if iskeyPressed 32 == 1 && activatecounter == 0 set dist2 to 70 ; changing distance from player set source1 to me.PlaceAtMe PMControlActivator, 1, dist2, 0 set zfact to me.GetPos z set zfact to zfact + 100 source1.SetPos z, zfact set zfact to zfact - dist if dist < 0 set dist to 0 - dist endif set dist to 89 + dist2 - dist set source2 to me.PlaceAtMe PMControlActivator, 1, dist, 0 source2.SetPos z, zfact source1.Cast PMControlActivateSpell source2 source1.disable source2.disable set activatecounter to 1 endif set xfactme to me.GetPos x set yfactme to me.GetPos y set zfactme to me.GetPos z set direc to me.GetAngle z set angle to player.getangle z if health > me.GetAV health triggerHitShader 2 endif set health to me.GetAV health if IsKeyPressed 13 == 1 ; enter set transformback to 3 endif ; distance from player to morph--------------------------------- if IsKeyPressed 49 == 1 ;1 key set distance to distance + 0.05 elseif IsKeyPressed 50 == 1 ;2 key set distance to distance - 0.05 elseif IsKeyPressed 51 == 1 ;3 key set distanceZ to distanceZ + 1 elseif IsKeyPressed 52 == 1 ;4 key set distanceZ to distanceZ - 1 endif if distance > 9999999999 set distance to 3 elseif distance < -99999999 set distance to -5 endif if distanceZ > 99999999999 set distanceZ to 300 elseif distanceZ < -200 set distanceZ to -200 endif ;save settings for position 5 6 7 on 8 9 0 and return on backspace--------------------- if IsKeyPressed 56 == 1 ;8 key set distance5 to distance set distanceZ5 to distanceZ endif if IsKeyPressed 57 == 1 ;9 key set distance6 to distance set distanceZ6 to distanceZ endif if IsKeyPressed 48 == 1 ;0 key set distance7 to distance set distanceZ7 to distanceZ endif if IsKeyPressed 53 == 1 ;5 key set distance to distance5 set distanceZ to distanceZ5 endif if IsKeyPressed 54 == 1 ;6 key set distance to distance6 set distanceZ to distanceZ6 endif if IsKeyPressed 55 == 1 ;7 key set distance to distance7 set distanceZ to distanceZ7 endif if IsKeyPressed 8 == 1 ;backspace set distance to -2 set distanceZ to 0 endif;movement animation control for the CREATURE------------------------------------------- if IsKeyPressed 20 == 1 ; caps lock me.Cast 0100793F xxxxxxxxxxxxx elseif IsKeyPressed 9 == 1 ; tab set runtoggle to 0 endif if IsKeyPressed 65 == 1 ;A key me.PlayGroup left, 1 elseif IsKeyPressed 68 == 1 ;D key me.PlayGroup right, 1 elseif IsKeyPressed 87 == 1 && IsKeyPressed 16 == 1 ;W and shift if runtoggle == 0 me.PlayGroup fastforward, 1 else me.PlayGroup forward, 1 endif elseif IsKeyPressed 87 ;W only if runtoggle == 0 me.PlayGroup forward, 1 else me.PlayGroup fastforward, 1 endif elseif IsKeyPressed 83 == 1 ; S key me.PlayGroup backward, 1 else if me.IsAnimPlaying == 1 me.PlayGroup idle, 1 else me.pickidle endif elseif IsKeyPressed 90 == 1 me.PlayGroup AttackPower , 1 endif if direc < 0 set angle to 360 - angle elseif direc > 360 set angle to angle - 360 endif player.SetScale 1.0 if me.getdead == 1 set transformback to 3 endif elseif transformback == 3 me.PlayGroup idle, 1 player.SetScale 1.0 player.setghost 0 EnablePlayerControls player.SetActorAlpha 1.0 set transformback to 4 elseif transformback == 4 player.removespell PMcontrolAB set fQuestDelayTime to 1 player.PlayMagicShaderVisuals effectSummonMythicDawn 1 set transformback to 5 me.SetUnconscious 0 elseif transformback == 5 set fQuestDelayTime to 0.001 set MORPHcrime to 0 set me to 0 StopQuest PMControllQuest set transformback to 0 me.pickidle endifend