I wonder if anybody has tested this: say you equipp a helmet; will this helmet only mitigate damage from hits to the head or will it mitigate damage no matter where you are hit?
Thanks in advance.
I wonder if anybody has tested this: say you equipp a helmet; will this helmet only mitigate damage from hits to the head or will it mitigate damage no matter where you are hit?
Thanks in advance.
Hopefully, or else we have to wait for mods to do this again.
I'm not entirely sure to be honest.
The armoring system is piecewise, but only for stats. They offer it's protection to your entire body I think. Because it's tallied together as a total.
I can overlook things such as graphics or textures, but when it comes to gameplay... I would have hoped to see an improvement.
A total would suggest no regional protection, yes, which is unfortunate. Let's see if somebody else can confirm.