My question too all fallout fan`s and gamer`s is.... "Would you ever buy Bethesda`s game`s ever again after these`s terrible glitches & Bugs in FNV"?
Sure. Once whatever edition (Gold pack, GotY, whatever) comes out that collects all the inevitable DLCs (and thus gameplay changes, level cap adjustments, ending retcons, etc.) into one bundle comes out...on the sale rack. I'll give'em 30 bucks for the whole shebang, sure.
,And dose it make you think twice about buying the next Bethesda game or fallout game when it`s released?....
Nope. It just reminds me why I knew what a mistake I was making when I didn't wait for "Fallout: New Vegas: GotY Edition." Because waiting until I could get "the whole nine yards" for $30 or so, rather than $60 for what amounts to a "starter pack" where I'll then have to collect all the add-ons (paying for more along the way) is such a better deal
plus saving me the headache of "standard release procedure." ("SRP" being "Ship something known to have enough bugs that there's a patch ready and waiting, then let the paying Theta testers find the rest of what we need to fix on the quick.")
And do you think the Bethesda game`s has lost it`s faith with gamer`s? Thanks all

Lost its the? :ahhh:
I'll just say it's pretty obvious, from where I sit, who has the final say at Bethesda- but it's not real hard to spot products shipped on Marketing or Accounting's "We don't give a tinker's damn if those developers think it's not ready- to market, to market!" schedule. :shrug: