My question too all fallout fan`s and gamer`s is.... "Would you ever buy Bethesda`s game`s ever again after these`s terrible glitches & Bugs in FNV"?,And dose it make you think twice about buying the next Bethesda game or fallout game when it`s released?....And do you think the Bethesda game`s has lost it`s faith with gamer`s? Thanks all

I've bought just about every game since Gridiron for my Amiga back in the late 80s. All the Elder Scrolls line for sure. I was really upset with Fallout 3 and all the memory freezing issues and swore I wouldn't buy the next one unless the game engine was overhauled or changed.
What did I do? The second it was available for pre-order on Amazon, I clicked the buy button. Such is the slobery love affair gamers have with this company. Grrrr.
I was mad when this game was sooo buggy. I could see that they really made the game smaller to try and limit the memory issues, so at least they tried something. They can't really do anything about Havok other than dump it and I guess that wasn't realistic. In any case, I did what I did with Fallout 3. I figured out what to do to limit the crashing and I continued on through the end, loving every minute of the game, when it wasn't crashing.
I bought the Fallout 3 DLC knowing I was going to have more of the same crashing, but also more of the same game play.
Now I've hassled through all the endings of FLNV and I've plat'd the game on two accounts and even though I told myself again that the next release won't be bought till I see proof on forums that the game is pretty issue free...
As soon as it's available for pre-order on Amazon, I will be clicking the button again.