I can't see the communism thing. Socialism I can understand what with the Resistance wanting fairer distribution, but not communism. Well, not the way communism has played out in the real word, anyway.
The conflict begs questions about property norms and entitlement. How many times here have you seen someone make the argument "the resistance deserve as much in not
more because they do all the hard work," etc etc.
So this sort of ethical divide- who do the resources belong to, rightfully? The person that owns the property from whence they came (capitalism), or the people who put the work in to produce them, coupled with who needs them more (communism)? Does ownership of property entitle you to any and everything that is produced on that property thereafter, or, are people entitled to what they produce themselves, regardless of title?
Keep in mind that state communism doesn't and never has functioned like the real hardcoe Marxists that are still around today want it to. It's not real communism to them unless there is no state. It's not really a matter of egalitarian division of resources and the old sickle and hammer junk, it's all about worker-owned means of production now, with no hierarchies politically, socially or otherwise.
And yes, it is just as messed up and muddy as any other path of idealism. -_-