Hmm... its' not like everytime someone shoots at yout it's from behind + close range.
Right... Nevertheless, I think I could be more useful, means a little bit stronger...
"Maximum Strength" its the Maximum armor, no?
I didn't saw Maximum Strength in SP.
Maximum Strength is a mode from Crysis 1... It's now standard; all-time equipped... However, I found it better, when it was an extra mode... You could at least sprint without loosing energy; sprinting in "Maximum Speed" (another mode

) was even faster... But on these new, small maps it would make no sense though... One would crash against the next wall or fall from the skyscraqer...
edit: in SP, try holding "Shift" when you zoom in... you will hear a sound indicating that strength was activated... this reduces the recoil to 0
edit 2: try holding "Shift" when you are zoomed in (not just while "activating" the zoom)... while you hold "Shift" it works... stop holding it and it stops...