A Question For Modders

Post » Tue May 17, 2011 11:47 am

*Oh, btw, I just took this HUGE test, and so my brain is fried, so excuse any bad grammar or word choice

I have 2 questions, just I want to read some peoples personal opinions on here.

first one: What do you think the playability of Vanilla Oblivion would be? No mods what-so-ever, unless it is an OFFICIAL pluggin. We're talking as if you were playing the PS3 or xbox version. What would you rate it?

Second: I am not looking for a specific mod, so I am not posting this in the Mod Psychics or Mod Detectives thread, I just want to know how you, th euser or creator of mods, like to change YOUR Oblivion to the much more playable version. So let me know your favorite mods, or all your mods that you use! if you want to be really kind, post a description and a link so others can check those out as well. (unless they are so POPULAR that you don't feel the need to post a link)

if you guys want to know my answers, here they are:
1) I use to play the xbox 360 version of Oblivion for a LOOONG time, and had no complaints, it just got boring and repetitious pretty fast. Arrows moved like cardboard in the wind, magic seem to lack something mystical, and combat was the same everytime. Ofcourse, to me, the graphics and general gameplay itself was pretty ground breaking even if it seemed to be the same thing over and over.
so, I say Vanilla Oblivion is playable, but only for awhile. 7/10

2) In RPGs I always love being the magician. so, I have to say Midas Magic's spells mixed with http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=20371's Magic overhaul are some of the BEST mods out there.

I also enjoy the brilliant minds who make Oblivion no longer....Oblivion, and make it into whatever they want, liek I have made, using 2 great Mods, http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=30054 (visual) and Side's http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=26892(music) to create a bit of nastalgia when I play for Boarderlands.

and there are 3 quest mods that make me keep going back that I don't think Oblivion would be the same without: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=27029 to liven up the news in the game; http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=17781 for an exciting story (except I hate how you cannot remove the armor until completion); and lastly, http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=15412. When I played Oblivion, I got sick of the procrastinating towns people of Kvatch. They told me they would rebuild Kvatch, and two years later (in game) there it is, still in smolders. This mod not only adds realism, but it also adds fun gameplay and the enjoyment of watching -as time goes by - the slow rebuilding of the grand city!

Other mods that I have not began (so I cannot say how good they are and if they are like above said mods) that I feel will be great are:

http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=26219 (The creator is a really great guy too!)

Five Blind Mice (There is a topic floating around on the forums right now, so find the link yourself)

http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=29035 (I have played through this one partly, and it is so much fun! and halarious!)

and there are some other well deserving mods, especially the work of Side. His music system is great, but his Ships are almost just as good.

OOO is great, but I cannot say it is one of my top mods. It causes too many frustrations! I go into a Vanilla cave for a nonVanilla quest at level 1, and OOO's handplaced enemies wiped out an army of nonVanilla quest enemies, and I was their next target.

So, post below your thoughts and comments!

oh and I released a new mod yesterday (but the RELz thread sank to page 4 already with no replies :(
so, help cheer up my spirits by atleast taking a look at the mod's download page...I am rather sad that - for all the work I put in, and struggle, I have only recieved 2 downloads and no acknowledgement from the community.

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Mel E
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:46 pm

Congratulations on your release, don't let a lack of response from the community deter you from modding, that's pretty common for first mods. Taken 2 years for my first mod to get even a few hundred downloads, nowhere near thousands. Good luck to you. :)
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Lalla Vu
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:27 am

I do tend ot play a fairly vanilla game, and i tell you it tires out really fast. Sure the first playthrough or 2 were alright, but after that there was just no point anymore. It was still far longer then any other game i played at the time (exception of morrowind), but it got boring....and to this day i just cant play it, no mattter what mods i add. A good game...but lacking in parts that an RPG should have.

EDIT: dont feel bad about your mod not getting attention. hell, my best mod (that was only me not a team) only has 2K downloads, and its been up for 3 years now.
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Nuno Castro
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:33 am

Congratulations on your release, don't let a lack of response from the community deter you from modding, that's pretty common for first mods. Taken 2 years for my first mod to get even a few hundred downloads, nowhere near thousands. Good luck to you. :)

it's not exactly my first mod...I've made several mods just for my game (not a public release) and I had 2 other public release mods going before my computer (a long time ago) decided to reject Oblivion...anyways, I gave up on one of those mods, and I soon plan on working on the other mod, but first there are a few bugs with this first one that I want to fix before working on any other mod.

as for Da Mage:

I could never get into Morrowind...ofcourse, I never played MODDED Morrowind, but still, I think it is because I have been more accustomed to FPS and less traditional RPGs that I find Oblivion so entertaining.
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Jonathan Windmon
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 7:07 am

it's not exactly my first mod...I've made several mods just for my game (not a public release) and I had 2 other public release mods going before my computer (a long time ago) decided to reject Oblivion...anyways, I gave up on one of those mods, and I soon plan on working on the other mod, but first there are a few bugs with this first one that I want to fix before working on any other mod.

My mistake? What difference does it make what mod in your short order this one falls? Does it being a 3rd or 4th mod make it more special or less applicable to what I said? Still didn't get any downloads, still didn't get any support so, I was trying to offer some support. I take it back then. :rolleyes:
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Donald Richards
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 12:35 pm

I just had a squiz at your mod, the sword in there is awesome, yet there are no pics of it!?

If you are going ot put something like that in a mod, you gotta sell it! Make sure you can see the sword in the main picture, that you mention it in the description. Sadly oblivion is in later years of modding, so a simple house mod doesnt interest people as much, but mention there is a cool sword with it they might aleast have a look then.
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Alex Blacke
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 7:59 am

My mistake? What difference does it make what mod in your short order this one falls? Does it being a 3rd or 4th mod make it more special or less applicable to what I said? Still didn't get any downloads, still didn't get any support so, I was trying to offer some support. I take it back then. :rolleyes:

Dark, and Da Mage, you guys are very skilled at replying at the same time.

I was not rejecting your support. I understand, whther it be my first or 200th, the point is, right now it is just not popular. And your support is not going unappreciated, so please do not take what I said in the wrong way.

I just had a squiz at your mod, the sword in there is awesome, yet there are no pics of it!?

If you are going ot put something like that in a mod, you gotta sell it! Make sure you can see the sword in the main picture, that you mention it in the description. Sadly oblivion is in later years of modding, so a simple house mod doesnt interest people as much, but mention there is a cool sword with it they might aleast have a look then.

The sword is the final hidden Easter Eggs. I didn't want to give anything away to anyone about what the easter eggs might be, so I intentionally did not take a picture...but I suppose you are right, I should take a picture of it.
You can thank Dalls for releasing that sword for open use to people. I have knowledge of 3D modeling, but rigging and texturing? I couldn't do it, so I had to find some resources (A modders best friend) and I found his sword open for use, so I took advantage of it. (ofcourse crediting him)

There were a few -easy to fix- bugs that occured simply because (since I got two comments before the initial release) I felt pressured under a time frame and rushed the release, which I am now regretting seeing as how the two commenters and you are the only downloaders...so, people will have to deal with those small minor flaws until I can learn a tad bit more scripting to fix them problems.

W00t!!! after replying to you guys, I checked my mod's download page. It went to 4 downloads! whoo-hoo!
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 7:23 am

Dark, and Da Mage, you guys are very skilled at replying at the same time.

Yes, we try very hard to time it that way on purpose. :)

Just don't put much stock in your numbers, especially on a BETA, lot of folks are hesitant to BETA test in a live download. Getting your bugs sorted will help boost your numbers. :goodjob:
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Charles Weber
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Post » Mon May 16, 2011 11:51 pm

Never feel rushed to release, people will wait for a better release rather then a rushed one with bugs.

Ive made the mistake before (in fact alot of my earlier released got rushed and very buggy), so i never set release date/times anymore, i just have a time i aim for, but if i go over then i dont really care to much, and just set another one.
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Heather beauchamp
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Post » Mon May 16, 2011 11:27 pm

I just had a squiz at your mod, the sword in there is awesome, yet there are no pics of it!?

If you are going ot put something like that in a mod, you gotta sell it! Make sure you can see the sword in the main picture, that you mention it in the description. Sadly oblivion is in later years of modding, so a simple house mod doesnt interest people as much, but mention there is a cool sword with it they might aleast have a look then.

Very true - Also naming the file BETA 1 will deter alot of people from giving it a try !
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 11:55 am

In answer to the original post;

1) - I recently got a new computer and was briefly stranded without internet. During that time I reinstalled Oblivion, figuring that while it would svck without mods I would be somewhat distracted by the better graphics I could run on this rig; I was very pleasantly surprised to realize just how good vanilla Oblivion really was! I created an almost pure mage, completed the entire Mage's Guild questline for the first time, and performed some secondary quests and loved it. Modded Oblivion is of course significantly better, but I had spent the last two years thinking I could never enjoy vanilla again, and was proven wrong!

2) - I find mods that I almost exclusively use mods that effect everything in the game, whether it's stuff like Arma Complete expanding all the LL's, FCOM adding to all the content, overhauls like LAME and JogX's Stealth Overhaul, or stuff like CorePC's Vibrant Textures. Consistency in all things is the point I strive for in my game; I want to be able to play it without going "oh yeah, that's definitely mod-added".
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:17 am

I was thinking, "On the brightside, there will less people who see my rather embarissing mistakes."
Always a brightside to everything.

Anyways, perhaps back on topic now:
People's Rating of Vanilla Oblivion and their mods to boost that rating.


In answer to the original post;

1) - I recently got a new computer and was briefly stranded without internet. During that time I reinstalled Oblivion, figuring that while it would svck without mods I would be somewhat distracted by the better graphics I could run on this rig; I was very pleasantly surprised to realize just how good vanilla Oblivion really was! I created an almost pure mage, completed the entire Mage's Guild questline for the first time, and performed some secondary quests and loved it. Modded Oblivion is of course significantly better, but I had spent the last two years thinking I could never enjoy vanilla again, and was proven wrong!

2) - I find mods that I almost exclusively use mods that effect everything in the game, whether it's stuff like Arma Complete expanding all the LL's, FCOM adding to all the content, overhauls like LAME and JogX's Stealth Overhaul, or stuff like CorePC's Vibrant Textures. Consistency in all things is the point I strive for in my game; I want to be able to play it without going "oh yeah, that's definitely mod-added".

you posted right before my post went up :P

Overhauls are okay, but, like with OOO, I sometimes get frustrated with some of the COMPLETELY redone things. Most of my mods are standalone add-ons rather than huge multi-parted add-ons, simply because I liek the control I have.

As for likeing to have mod's that seamlessly blend in with the game: I agree with you on that. I don't know much about the lore of TES, nor do I plan to know, but of the little bit I do know, I like things mixing with that. (ofcourse...once inawhile I get the urge to - rather than pump and arrow into an enemy or nuke 'em with magic - I feel like blowing them away with a gun...can't find any good mods that add guns to the game though. I found a model for a gun that actually loooks liek Dwemmer artifact rather than a gun, but its for a gun mod that I cannot locate for th elife of me)

Also, the mods I make - I like them to blend in - atleast to some extent - with the lore of the game. Though my more recent one just adds more lore, rather than adds to it (but it's NOT like Duke City or adding an already made game's Lore to this game).

I can't really explain what I mean, you'd just have to see yourself. Da Mage might know if he took a look - spoiling the fun of solving all the easter egg riddles (<--that is where the lore is)

oh, goodness...I just read over my response and my grammar is terrible! so many typos and so forth. But I just took a REALLY big test that ate up my brain, so I would like to say again, please excuse any typos or bad grammar.
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Kate Murrell
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 6:39 am

Vanilla Oblivion is a good game.

However, Bethesda's foresight in creating the construction set and an open ended format that is easily modded, as well as the judgment to allow use of their assets in mods created for the game, was, in my humble opinion, nothing short of sheer brilliance. My impression is that the foregoing has paid handsome rewards in the form of continuing strong sales of the core product -- which I believe is very much deserved.

My two cents.


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stevie critchley
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 8:44 am

Vanilla Oblivion is a good game.

However, Bethesda's foresight in creating the construction set and an open ended format that is easily modded, as well as the judgment to allow use of their assets in mods created for the game, was, in my humble opinion, nothing short of sheer brilliance. My impression is that the foregoing has paid handsome rewards in the form of continuing strong sales of the core product -- which I believe is very much deserved.

My two cents.



lol, yes. My friend wants to buy Oblivion for PC - not to play. He is intrested in Landscape Designing (in games) and wants to use the CS to play around with for such.

What is more funny, is he owns Oblivion already 2 copies in fact. Both 360 version though, ha ha ha.
I actually own 3 Copies of Oblivion. 2 xBox 360 Versions (both work too) and ofcourse my PC version.
The only other game I own multiple copies of is Bioshock...unless you count Halo's Halo Mythic Disc, then I own 2 copies of Halo 3 as well.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:14 pm

I don't think I'd still be playing Oblivion today if there no mods. Actually, I installed mods around 2 months after having played the game on its release date. For me, (or actually for how I prefer to play), there is not enough content to keep playing the game for a very long time. I'm not the player who seeks to max out all of his primary skills/stats, obtain all artifacts, do every single quest of every guilds, etc. I find my joy in playing ES games by doing actions/quests/adventures related to the kind of character I create. Without mods, I wouldn't be able to find a reason to continue playing a Dark Brotherhood Listener assassin if I can't obtain assassination contracts or a way to manage my guild, for example.
Though when playing a mercenary who wanders around the land doing city quests (but not join factions), I find many pleasure plundering dungeons.

All this being said, every Elder Scrolls games have a longer "lifespan" than the games released at the same time, without counting mods and external add-ons. :)

Mods on my list that keep the game alive... pretty much everything in my mod list really. Every mod I have, wether big or small in content, adds a feeling of freshness in my game or corrects something I don't like about the original game. Hurray to mod and modders!

Oh and ntom, your mod has been released 3 days ago. Give it some time, update it, expand it, debug it. Keep it alive. :D
I made mods that went in the thousand of downloads, but I also have some that are around 250-300.

I personally don't care about the number of downloads I get. I mod for myself and share with others. :)
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 12:56 am

He is intrested in Landscape Designing (in games) and wants to use the CS to play around with for such.

Ooo, well, send him over to the Unique Landscapes project then. Cyrodiil can always use some nice new landscapes :)
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 10:51 am

http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=26219 (The creator is a really great guy too!)

Heh, thanks! :D
first one: What do you think the playability of Vanilla Oblivion would be? No mods what-so-ever, unless it is an OFFICIAL pluggin. We're talking as if you were playing the PS3 or xbox version. What would you rate it?

It's quite playable, I enjoyed it when I bought it back in 2006. It's just not as fun or REplayable without mods. When not comparing it to the possibilities of a modded Oblivion, I'd probably give it a 6.5.
I just want to know how you, th euser or creator of mods, like to change YOUR Oblivion to the much more playable version.
I actually haven't properly played Oblivion for a long time and while I look around a bit occassionally I'm pretty behind with the latest Oblivion modding news. I'll catch up at some point. You can ask me anything about Morrowind though. :P
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 7:03 am

whoa, when did Povuholo reply? I must have missed that being caught up in my other thread that was floating around the same time as this one.

anyways - your welcome Povu. You were really nice...back when I was going to be the play tester (DAMN IT! Wish I knew this mod was going to be so popular! I would have MADE my computer MAKE Oblivion work so I could get un poco credit :angel: )
Ofcourse its not what? about a year later...who knows, maybe you changed into one shady fellow :ninja: , I don't think I can trust that mean ol' Povu now...

6.5? that seems pretty harsh to me, ha ha ha. It is just an opinion though. I guess it's because since I played it so long modless (and no DLC for nearly the entire time I played it for the XB360 version) I was rather use to the repetition...I don't think I can go back ENTIRELY to Vanilla Oblivion, simply because I have played through my days of it enough already. how many achievements was it? with SI it was like 65 Achievements for XBL
I had 65/65

You ought to catch up in the Oblivion modding community. I have some rather fun mods that I use and love.
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Sophie Morrell
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 11:58 am

6.5? that seems pretty harsh to me, ha ha ha.

It's been a long time since I really played the game, maybe I'll rate it higher after remembering what it's like. :rofl:

Still I'm raising that to a 7 for now!

Also what may have something to do with it is that I don't have Shivering Isles yet. I know, omg! :o
Ofcourse its not what? about a year later...who knows, maybe you changed into one shady fellow :ninja:

I hope not. Besides, a year isn't a very long time: The mod was started in October 2006 and I'm still working on it right now. Or maybe I'm just nuts! :ahhh:
You ought to catch up in the Oblivion modding community. I have some rather fun mods that I use and love.

After the release of Kragenir's Death Quest 2.0 and the inevitable following bugfix releases I hope to do this, along with finally buying Shivering Isles (I've seen several interesting mods that require it too). At this point it's probably cheaper to buy the GOTY edition though. :P
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Esther Fernandez
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 6:17 am

the game itself nets a 10/10 for me without mods. its a near perfect game (A few glitches here and there) and it sould be well known by now mods are meant to enhance games, which from what ive seen they really do enhance this great game. so with mods 15/10? that legal?
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Sarah Edmunds
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 12:26 pm

1) The base game is not bad by a long-shot IMO, but there's just a whole lot of "little things" that I cannot stand and would not play the vanilla game very long w/o them. For just being a good game, this gets a 8/10. For playability though, it gets a 6/10. I'm not sure how some of the xbox/ps3 owners can honestly play the vanilla game so long and so much.
Perhaps I might have a different view, however, if I didn't even KNOW there were tons of mods that fixes any and everything I ever felt was wrong with this game.

2) As I said above, it could be anything I just didn't like or think should be improved upon. I've got random mods that do this and that...for nearly every bit of the game I suppose. I also like slightly more immersive mods as well. I don't go totally overboard with them however. I still want to enjoy my game. And I don't use an immersive HUD either. I do not like those at all. I'm fine with standard DarnUI.
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Heather Dawson
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 11:07 am

I played the console version of the game religiously for about 2 years before even getting the PC version
I've found that I rarely play the game now I have it on PC, however that's cause I'm spending most of my time making mods rather than playing them
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Nick Swan
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 8:05 am

ha ha, I do spend a lot of time making mods and finding mods than actually playing...ofcourse lately with all the problems first starting with that black plague, then the white UI, and now COL, I don't play the game at all anymore!
hopefully that will be fixed soon :brokencomputer:
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 12:43 am

Whoops, internet goof, double post
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Aman Bhattal
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 11:25 am

so with mods 15/10? that legal?

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