I have 2 questions, just I want to read some peoples personal opinions on here.
first one: What do you think the playability of Vanilla Oblivion would be? No mods what-so-ever, unless it is an OFFICIAL pluggin. We're talking as if you were playing the PS3 or xbox version. What would you rate it?
Second: I am not looking for a specific mod, so I am not posting this in the Mod Psychics or Mod Detectives thread, I just want to know how you, th euser or creator of mods, like to change YOUR Oblivion to the much more playable version. So let me know your favorite mods, or all your mods that you use! if you want to be really kind, post a description and a link so others can check those out as well. (unless they are so POPULAR that you don't feel the need to post a link)
if you guys want to know my answers, here they are:
1) I use to play the xbox 360 version of Oblivion for a LOOONG time, and had no complaints, it just got boring and repetitious pretty fast. Arrows moved like cardboard in the wind, magic seem to lack something mystical, and combat was the same everytime. Ofcourse, to me, the graphics and general gameplay itself was pretty ground breaking even if it seemed to be the same thing over and over.
so, I say Vanilla Oblivion is playable, but only for awhile. 7/10
2) In RPGs I always love being the magician. so, I have to say Midas Magic's spells mixed with http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=20371's Magic overhaul are some of the BEST mods out there.
I also enjoy the brilliant minds who make Oblivion no longer....Oblivion, and make it into whatever they want, liek I have made, using 2 great Mods, http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=30054 (visual) and Side's http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=26892(music) to create a bit of nastalgia when I play for Boarderlands.
and there are 3 quest mods that make me keep going back that I don't think Oblivion would be the same without: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=27029 to liven up the news in the game; http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=17781 for an exciting story (except I hate how you cannot remove the armor until completion); and lastly, http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=15412. When I played Oblivion, I got sick of the procrastinating towns people of Kvatch. They told me they would rebuild Kvatch, and two years later (in game) there it is, still in smolders. This mod not only adds realism, but it also adds fun gameplay and the enjoyment of watching -as time goes by - the slow rebuilding of the grand city!
Other mods that I have not began (so I cannot say how good they are and if they are like above said mods) that I feel will be great are:
http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=26219 (The creator is a really great guy too!)
Five Blind Mice (There is a topic floating around on the forums right now, so find the link yourself)
http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=29035 (I have played through this one partly, and it is so much fun! and halarious!)
and there are some other well deserving mods, especially the work of Side. His music system is great, but his Ships are almost just as good.
OOO is great, but I cannot say it is one of my top mods. It causes too many frustrations! I go into a Vanilla cave for a nonVanilla quest at level 1, and OOO's handplaced enemies wiped out an army of nonVanilla quest enemies, and I was their next target.
So, post below your thoughts and comments!
oh and I released a new mod yesterday (but the RELz thread sank to page 4 already with no replies

so, help cheer up my spirits by atleast taking a look at the mod's download page...I am rather sad that - for all the work I put in, and struggle, I have only recieved 2 downloads and no acknowledgement from the community.