That's actually not entirely true: the GECK for FO3 didn't become available right away. But the awesome third party modding tools (created by modders) allowed modders to release stuff even before the GECK came out.

ah yes I remember those days,, LOL we were so persistent. Kudos to the folks that brought us FO3 Edit, gave us the modding fix we needed before the G.E.C.K was released
also be reminded, Beth doesnt have to release anything, but they do it because they can, and that above all else earns my ever lasting respect, anyone who thinks otherwise can stuff it lol
ah man Fo3 it worked....
yes Pou, I saw Mehrunes too, I thought to myself pshaw its not like I can spoil the game for myself looking in the CS, then I saw spells for Mehrunes and Im like
I don't want to open it up on the first day...but it is extremely tempting especially since I have all my resources and I want to get them in as soon as possible for my Fortress.