I was playing last night and was wondering just how close the game to the actual real life Boston looks. Would anyone be able to shed some light on this?
Just curious, that's all.
I was playing last night and was wondering just how close the game to the actual real life Boston looks. Would anyone be able to shed some light on this?
Just curious, that's all.
It has less super mutants... but not much less
It's more like Boston was an inspiration. They've got the locations, they've got the names, they've got the accents but it's not the same at all.
Same thing with Salem. And Revere. Neither the Witch Museum nor Revere Beach look anything like what they do in real life.
But it doesn't change my enjoyment of it at all!
How about the style and shape of the buildings? Last night I saw catwalks everywhere!
I've only been to Boston once and I couldn't wait to go somewhere I remembered. I finally got to Feneuil Hall and didn't recognize anything. The scale is even vastly different.