I am trying to roleplay as realistic as possible. How do handle healing during combat? Also how much do allow yourself to carry?
I know there is no right or wrong way, I am just wondering how other players handle it. Thanks.
I am trying to roleplay as realistic as possible. How do handle healing during combat? Also how much do allow yourself to carry?
I know there is no right or wrong way, I am just wondering how other players handle it. Thanks.
I try not to carry a lot of anything really. Potions or a lot of items. I leave those at what is considered home.
But for characters that know magic, they use healing spells. for non magic knowing characters (most of them) I hardly use potions. I pour a lot of points into health and stamina.
But most of my characters are very good with archery so close hand combat doesn't happen often.
If it's realism you want, only use consumables before and after conflict, as it would be strange to start chugging vegetable soup while fighting a dragon.
it all depends. For me, I only carry whatever goes with the character. Primary weapon and a secondary weapon. Not one of each sword for each occasion. For healing, I only use the default healing spell because I like healing over time rather than instaheal. If i'm using potions or any other consumables, round numbers are good for me and as a rule they are tied to the skill it belongs to. ex. health regen potions 5, if alchemy is under 25 and goes up to 7 when I reach 50, 8 when 75 and 10 when 100. Same goes for lockpicks, arrows (has to match the bow), poisons, potions etc. because of this, I am never overencumbered and I rarely have more than 200 weight on my inventory.
If on PC I would recommend mods that add realism. Frostfall is a good starting point. As is Wet and Cold, and SkyTEST. And maybe even some mod that makes nighttime darker, and light sources more valuable. The latter also helps with sneaking.
I've only ever played the base game on PS3, but I want to try the complete edition on PC with mods like these installed to enhance my immersion and my experiene as much as possible.
I've considered this, and at least as far as potions go, I might carry one or two, max. Carrying filled glass bottles around doesn't seem to go well with remaining light on one's feet. I'd rely on the basic healing spell and make putting perks into Restoration one of my priorities, so it remains useful both during and after combat at higher levels.
Otherwise, just off the top of my head, some food, one sword, one shield, one bow, 24-72 arrows, and no extra sets of armor or weapons.
I mod all of my characters to have a beginning carry weight of 150. I also use mods that make potions heal over time instead of instantaneously. Those two changes make using potions feel less "cheaty" to me.
A few of my characters use no potions at all. I played a warrior who distrusted magic and so refused to drink any potions. Another non-potion character was a mage whose metabolism could not process potions and so could only heal herself through spells.