» Fri Aug 26, 2011 12:57 am
I don't know... I was about eight years old when Morrowind came out. I played that then and loved it. When Oblivion came out, I loved that too. Maybe I was considered "too young" but I never even thought about things that were in Morrowind but were removed in Oblivion, aside from a few abilities that I missed. For the most part, I complained about things that were kind of dumb and seemed to be missing... which, interestingly enough, STILL have not made it into Skyrim.
Things like, mounted combat, cloth and hair physics, and a few other things as well, namely spears and crossbows were all things that didn't make it into Oblivion and, roughly five years later, haven't made it into Skyrim either. Some things that I had previously hoped for actually were added in, like beards - finally - and dual wielding... but, for the most part, I seem to be thinking of more things that keep getting taken out and things that should be in the game rather than a few improvements over Oblivon and Morrowind here and there, which actually isn't much compared to all the crap that they've left out. Granted, I was playing on an XBOX back then, and plan to play Skyrim on the PC, but these things should still be in the "vanilla" version without having to be added in by really bad user mods.
Anyway, my point being is that I loved both Morrowind and Oblivon - not now, of course, they are far too old at this point - and I will probably love Skyrim but I feel as though the people complaining about Oblivion actually had the luxury and right to do so just as much as they complain about Skyrim now. Whether they complained before or after these games came or have come out, it doesn't matter as I think that, for the most part, their complaints are rather feasible.