Ok, made quick test: Bethesda's nif works even as a static and without having xnif and kf. Tested my own animation and it doesn't work as static at all, even, when I take off xnif and kf from the folder. Maybe it is coded in the game somehow, haven't any other explanation at the moment. I will take the banner into blender and export it without animation again. Check PM in some minutes!!!
EDIT: Done!!!
TheDaywalker :rock:
The model uses a NiBSAnimationNode, in which the animation properties are stored in the flags, instead of the .kfs with text keys, so it doesn't need a x.nif or x.kf IIRC.
So yeah, I think it's a safe assumption that the animation is hard coded.

Unfortunately I have no idea how to make these types of animation, perhaps it is possible with max 4 or 5 , IDK though, as I unfortunately use a later version of max.

To remove the animation in NifSkope you just delete the NiBSAnimationNode.