I've noticed after looking up ID's on UESP etc that if an object's ID has a space in the name, you can't console it.
For instance, (and these are just examples) the object ID for a...lets say Steel Dagger might be "Steel_Dagger". So if I want to console it, I type this:
player->additem Steel_Dagger 1
And I get one steel dagger. Basic stuff. But if the object ID has a space in it, like the souls of some enemies and some objects, like a daedric battleaxe ID is just "Daedric Battleaxe" and a golden saint id is "Golden Saint", I can't do that. It won't accept it. Why is this? Is there a way around this? Is there an alternate ID that actually works for these items?
It seems if there is a space in the name without a _, it won't work.