The problem I'm having is with plugins.. as would be the case, all of the trials (of 3ds, maya etc) I seem to be finding are 2012 versions, and none of these NIF plugins seem to be updated past 2011 at best (more often than not 2010 or 09).
As a complete and utter modding nube (although I can set the speed of arrows in the CS like a pro) I was just hoping someone might be able to address my issues with working with/importing older meshes into Oblivion (and hopefully Skyrim) and what would be the easiest way to go about that, taking into mind my inability to find free modelling software with current up to date NIF plugins.
Thanks guys

Oh and P.S. hoping to bring in some of these other older models of mine into Skyrim when they release the dang CK, and although this isn't the Skyrim modding area, would I have to wait for people to develop up to date NIF plugins and then do the whole dang thing over again by exporting the models in w/e version they need to be and then updating them in NifSkope? Thanks again.