Question regarding VampireNecromageLegendary

Post » Tue Jun 11, 2013 4:02 pm


After some searching I learned that perks like Wind Walker, Duel Flurry, and Magic Resistance only get the bonus effect for a Vamp/Necromage if taken AFTER you become a Vamp AND have the Necromage perk.

I could not, however, find a clear definitive answer to the following question(s):

1.) If I have Windwalker already selected as a perk THEN take Necromage as a Vamp, I understand that I will not get the bonus effect. But what if I THEN make the Light Armor skill Legendary, level it again up to 60 and take the Windwalker perk again? Will the Vamp + Necromage bonus then apply?

I would think so, but with this game you never know...

2.) I'm also wondering about how perks with multiple ranks work with Vamp + Necromage. For instance, I currently have 1/2 Duel Flurry and 2/3 Magic Resistance, I am a Vamp Lord but do not yet have Necromage. If I take Necromage then take 2/2 Duel Flurry and 3/3 Magic Resistance will the bonus apply to those perks? Would I only get a partial bonus do to having had selected the first ranks before I took Necromage?

I appologize for the tedius questions, but I know there has got to be some person on these boards that either knows, or has a good idea. Thanks in advance!

I should also mention that I'm on 360

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