» Sat May 28, 2011 10:12 am
While raising Luck will not help with loot generation, it can still be beneficial. Increases in Luck act 'behind the scenes' to raise your skills when they are being checked against, which can cause spells to be cheaper than they normally would be to cast and melee weapons to hit harder than they normally would. You will not see these increases on-screen, nor do they count for determining eligibility for a skill perk, but they will be there.
The catch with this is, the higher a given skill gets the less benefit it gains from an increased Luck attribute; combined with the high probability that any skills you actually use to any degree will end up capped, this negates any increases to Luck in the long run for those skills. You will still get the benefits while the skills are not capped though, so it can be worthwhile to raise Luck if you are not trying to cap out skills as quickly as possible since you will retain the benefits thereof for a longer period of time.