In terms of a personal investment, my character doesn't really care. She's more of a wasteland wanderer type anyway, and if it weren't for this game, would never even set foot in the city. As it stands, there are three factions my character can do without: The Vegas families, NCR, and Legion. And, they happen to be the three major players in this game. Frankly, she wishes they all would piss off. Now, you would think this would mean she would shoot for the independent ending, but she doesn't want to run Vegas either. It could all burn to the ground for all she cares. Besides, she's "Good Natured", so backtabbing House and to take a place like Vegas for herself goes against the grain of her character. The only other option is to finish the job she was hired to do and give the chip to House. However, I suspect that this would result in another little twist where House turns on NCR and Legion in order to gain regional supremacy for himself. That's just as bad as the Courier running Vegas herself. So, I'm at a crossroads.
What should I do about Benny? Or, what is the best way to get my hands on the chip? I remember that I can kill him straight off to get the chip, or I can arrange a chat, but he'll double cross me and run off to get captured by Legion. I do want to get my hands on the chip, if only so it's out of everyone else's control. However, I don't really want to take out Benny. she's Good Natured, mind you, and he's pretty likable. Also, considering the situation, he had to take out the Courier. It wasn't personal. I would even support his taking over of Vegas (he's a better option than that megalomaniac House), except that I doubt he would be strong enough to hold back Legion and NCR when it would come to it.
At this point, I've been avoiding the main plot line entirely, instead just sidequesting to rack up some XP. If I hit level 14 before I have to decide, then I'll do the DLCs (which I like better than the core game) and put off making a decision. Otherwise, I'm not sure what I will do. i wish I could just destroy the chip entirely, so nobody gets an edge. You know, someone should make an alternate ending DLC where you, the Courier have to take the platinum chip to a far off volcanic mountain, the only one in North America, which is the only thing that can destroy the chip. It could be Fallout: Lord of the Chips.

But, any thoughts? Thanks.