A question to the "Good Guys" (lore advice welcome)

Post » Fri Jan 03, 2014 10:13 am

Hi guys and girls,

--spoilers around Daedra quests below--

I am currently playing a holy character, a follower of the 9 Divines (or 8 if you will). As such a character, I feel that there isn't enough options with regards to the Daedra quests for this type of character.

Fortunately there are some great Mods:

http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/24224/ (this links to three mods).

However I feel that more needs to be done - as such I am intending to make a small mod which will address ALL Daedra quests, giving divine players adequate options to complete them. (I hope to get permission from the mod creators to add their changes into this mod).

I have some ideas but I do not know if they are lore friendly or not. Does anyone have any suggestions for each quest?

Azura: I feel that the current option allows for a good ending. is this lore friendly or does another option need adding?
Boethiah: I feel the above mod provides a good option.

Clavicus Vile: Really not sure what the best way to do this is? Is Killing the Dog making the Daedra weaker or does the dog being alive make it weaker? Suggestions welcome.

Hermaes Mora: I feel that the moment you are required to get the blood- is the moment that a new option needs to be presented - I am considering the option to kill the quest giver and somehow destroy the puzzlebox.

Hircine: Again - not 100% sure- perhaps killing the werewolf at the start and then destroying the ring?
Malacath: I feel that in it's own way- the quest is a good one (helping out orcs) but feel the weapon should be destroyed.

Mehrunes Dagon: Not killing the quest giver at the end?

Mephala: Completing the quest is good (removes the corruption from windhelm) but the weapon needs destroying.

Meridia: This is a good quest - and the weapon seems holy - lorewise would a knight of the divines use this weapon?

Molag Bal: The above mod link seems sufficient.

Namira: The above mod link seems sufficient.

Peryite: The quest itself seems to be ok (killing daedra worshipers) I just feel that you need an option to be duped into seeing Peryite and add a dialogue option.

Sanguine: Holy men don't drink- I feel that just ignoring this guy in a bar is sufficient enough. IF you disagree please express your thoughts.

Sheogorath: I find this tough - it starts off odd- and you are duped into the quest. I almost feel the holy warriror would complete the quest and destroy the artefact after?

Vaermina: There is a sufficient good ending already.

Note: I would consider adding a holy priest in the game who would "destroy" weapons in a similar way the Skull of corruption can be destroyed. Upon destruction a different and comparable award would be presented.

Please let me know your thoughts :) I want to ensure the work I do fits closely with the lore of the game!

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Post » Fri Jan 03, 2014 5:20 am

Barbas is Clavicus Vile conciusnes the one thing that causes Clavicus to keep his part of the bargain , if anything killking Barbas is an evil option .

I am not sure what do you mean by puzzlebox, do you mean safe with the book? If so , then it's impossible or at least it's implied that destroying box is impossible . Also the quest itself isn't really that bad as you can use blood of bandits and dead . The best option is to ignore it.

I think sparing werewolf is good option, again not really evil quest, Hircine is all about good sport, he even says it when you help werewolf kill the hunters that this was impresive, also destroying daedric artifact for most part just sends it back to daedra so it can appear somewhere else.

Again destroying weapone doesn't hurt Prince, also essentially what are you doing is doing what Malacath wants and refusing his reward.

Dude is crazy , in love in doomsday cult that killed emperor, and if you won't kill him during quest he will attack you to get the dagger, the only good option is to just not do this quest.

DO the quest and then hide it somewhere.

Maybe? You know her daedra were serving Umaril in Knights of the nine, so it's not that she is good but that she really hates undead.

I am not sure what do you mean by seeing Peryite.

Ignoring is a good option .

For the most part quest is good, and I don't thing you really need to destroy it anyway, as said above destroying atrifact just sends it back to daedra.

Also if I remember correctly if you talk to Vigil of Stendarr while having artefact on you, they will ask you to give it to them so that they can hid it in their vault so that no one can use it. This dialog never happend to me, but Uesp lists it , so it's worth checking , if you want do something with artifacts you don't want.

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Chris Johnston
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Post » Fri Jan 03, 2014 7:38 am

I find the idea of that mod and the boethiah one to be very unlore-friendly, if you bothered to read the book "Boethiah's provings" you'll understand why you need to sacrifice someone, Boethiah isn't going to simply go "I recognize you have a noble heart but I hate you didn't sacrifice someone and instead talked to me" the priest in the book who did talk to Boethiah was struck down, in fact everyone was struck down save for the priest who killed the last other priest.

I'm sure a group of cannibals would realize that they are eating straw, you know straw being an entirely different substance then human flesh, something they eat often.

Another thing is, Daedric artifacts can not be destroyed unless the Daedric prince allows it. Also collecting blood isn't necessarily an "evil" thing since you can collect blood from bandits and dead npcs.
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Javier Borjas
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Post » Fri Jan 03, 2014 2:22 am

JMO but I think weather the "Holy Paladin" thinks all Deadra are "evil" would depend on how they view the world...strictly in "black and white" or do they see the shades of grey. Because I could probably come up with a good argument why Akatosh is "evil" and why Meridia is "good". So to me what IS evil...Who one is? OR... What one does?

So I would give options for people, so that they can decide. For yourself....well that would depend on how you think of it. Lore wise, I'm not an expert, just getting into all that myself.

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Roanne Bardsley
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Post » Thu Jan 02, 2014 11:04 pm

All the Daedra and duplicitous and ambiguous!

I doubt if a true "Paladin of Good" would touch any of them with a barge-pole!

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Post » Fri Jan 03, 2014 5:59 am

Playing a "paladin of good" in skyrim is kind of a hard thing to do since most of the factions are pretty damn grey.
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Steve Bates
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Post » Fri Jan 03, 2014 6:52 am

This is how I feel. Daedric Princes aren't evil in and of themselves, they just do what their nature dictates, but from the human perspective their actions are usually morally questionable. Even if the outcome of your task appears to be good, it brings you under the influence of the Prince . They want to sway you, use you, they are ultimately selfish and I'm not sure if a person who strives to be holy wants to make pacts with such creatures. He could get unintentionally caught in a quest for them and try to see it to the (best possible) end, though... Like with Vaermina.

I really dislike the Boethiah mod. I don't see why she'd reward you for refusing to kill, she isn't merciful. It completely breaks the quest.

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Post » Fri Jan 03, 2014 3:55 am

Boethiah's whole game is bloodshed, deceit and trickery, she/he doesn't care about noble hearts. She/He is called the prince of plots for a reason and we're literally given a reason why we need to give a sacrifice.
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Logan Greenwood
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Post » Thu Jan 02, 2014 9:22 pm

not all paladins/clerics/etc are like the vigilants of stendarr. Meridia is more holy than the nine-divines IMO, and Azura has done more to help the Dunmer than any other deity, Aedra or Daedra. A REAL paladin would see past their "evil" name and realize they are just as good as the Nine Divines. Even Sheogorath is not "Evil" anymore really, his entire Quest is help treating someone's mind.

These are my opinions: "destroying" the items is stupid, the Daedra are not evil, they have blue and orange morality, it also means there artifacts are basically no different than the Aedra's like Auriel's Bow. If the Daedric quest gives you an artifact and it helps, use it, it is not like you got it from some demon. The skull was actively alive and was seemingly acting on it's own for the most part, destoying it was necessary. Also, with some exceptions (of which fit the prince in question) you have to activley go seeking these artifacts to get them, meaning only someone who agrees with the daedric prince or at least his quest would even get the artifact.

Azura: considering it is part of the game, it is OBVIOUSLY lore-friendly to help Azura

Boethiah: you still have to kill someone no matter what, so no it is not something a paladin would do at all and even that mod makes Boethiah go out of character

Clavicus Vile: Helpng Barbas is the "Good" ending since Barbas is the one who keeps Clavicus Vile honoring his deals

Hermaeus Mora: The Quest giver is innocent, and does not realize he is being dooped, killing him would change you alignment to chaotic good, or possiblty evil in ANY D&D game. The ending works IMO, because you are helping an innocent person finish his dream, the entire Hermaus Mora questline (including Dragonborn) is supposed to be like that. You can be a truly goo person and STILL get end up following Mora to the letter, anything else ruins the point of the quests.

Hircine: Both endings work, as they both have "good" reasons to do it. On one hand, he is a werewolf who cannot control himself and killed a girl because of it, who says that he will hold his end of the bargain? on the flip side he agreed to never go near civilzation again, and does seem incredibly terrible about what he did. so, IMO both work

Malacath: as you said, Malacath's quest is not evil and is actually a good thing and he has done nothing wrong so using his weapon is not like using some evil artifact.

MEhrunes Dagon: IMO, the quest works because only an idiot or evil/neutral person would even get the peices in the first place, AND you can still say "screw you" to Dagon.

Mephala: I have never done this quest, so i do not know how it starts other than talking to the innkeeper to get it. If it starts out like something actually decent, then yeah, your idea works.

Meridia: As i said, Meridia is one of the seemingly "Good" daedra, and her entire quest is purifying one of her places from an evil necromancer. Plus, even a non-good character might do it for the shiny sword.

Molag Bal: the only part of the quest a "good person" who has any brains would do is the first part, the quest mod works, but does seem to make your character do something a bit daft.

Namira: sam as mephala

Peryite: one of the more neutral daedra, you are right, there just needs to be something to doop someone into talking to him.

Sanguine: Daedric Prince of Frat-boys, his quest should not change as it fits his character completely, the artifact might be dangerous, but remember in Tamriel, EVERYTHING is trying to kill you.

Sheogorath: TEchnically the quest only starts because you are trying to help the guy, then you ARE helping someone "Clear" his mind with Sheogorath's help.

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Gill Mackin
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Post » Thu Jan 02, 2014 11:03 pm

What is good and what is evil?

In the Elder scrolls series good and evil are really only mortal concepts.

For the Aedra and Daedra there is technically no concept of evil in fact some of the Aedra can be called [censored]s just as much as any of the Daedra can be *coughs*Alduin*coughs*

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Post » Fri Jan 03, 2014 3:03 am

*cough*stendarr in TES:Oblivion*cough*

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Danny Warner
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Post » Fri Jan 03, 2014 4:49 am

Please remind me what he did, I forgot.

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Post » Fri Jan 03, 2014 3:19 am


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Post » Fri Jan 03, 2014 8:57 am

Ok, that did not exactly tell me what it was that happened.

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Tyrone Haywood
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Post » Thu Jan 02, 2014 10:21 pm

you can click the name of the quest he is related to you know..........

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Chris Ellis
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Post » Fri Jan 03, 2014 11:56 am

Oh, he is cursed because his ancestor failed to show mercy . . .

Yup, that was an [censored] thing to do.

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