I haven't played that many characters, but so far they have been:
-Warrior: 2H+archery+restoration+dual-wielding+some other things I tried out (yes, that was my first character). Mostly light armor. Crafting: Mostly alchemy.
-Warrior: Sword-and-board with archery, no magic, heavy armor. Crafting: Smithing and a little alchemy.
-Pure mage: destruction, restoration, alteration, conjuration, used only robes and clothes. Crafting: Enchanting and some alchemy.
-"Witch" (my definition): Destruction (only fire spells), conjuration, restoration, light armor, one-handed (dagger). Crafting: All three, but mostly alchemy.
-Hunter: Archery, dual-wielding, light armor. Very short-lived, no crafting.
-Thief: Sneak, archery, dual-wielding, light armor. Crafting: alchemy and smithing. No magic.
-Warrior/spellsword: 2H, archery, light armor, sneak, restoration, conjuration and a little illusion. Crafting: mostly smithing, but some alchemy and a little enchanting. Basically a more focus reroll of my first character.
I still feel like I have lots of other playstyles to try out.