Haven't read the thread yet...
Fast travel (as I perceive it) is...
Not an 'Immersion' breakerI'm not really hung up on the whole immersion thing. Hey, kudos if they can make a link to the lore/game setting, but I don't really care. :shrug: Also, I think the whole immersion thing is a bit of a bandwagon/trigger point for many people. If it breaks immersion (and what's immersive is subjective), then my cynicle self says that people will just have a knee-jerk reaction, or use it to start arguments
Not a kind of cheating (39 votes [68.42%]) How is it cheating? It's not against any rules, openly avavailable (unlike figuring out how to duplicate items or stack spoons), and one isn't competing against anyone else
Time compressed conventional travel to a distant location Yep, or I think of it as teleporting. No real skin off my nose. It'd be nice if they did include some random encounters, but at least I don't have to Gather My Party Before Venturing Forth!
A positive feature for a large open world RPG Interesting. Never really thought of it in terms of game scale. Walking would definitly make a world smaller, and its all about size, right? Yet a smaller game world would nesecitate a more in depth area to explore, story, readings, puzzles, etc. That's a good thing, right? Wait, so thinking this part through, removing fast travel might mean a more in-depth game? I could go for that
Something I often use (36 votes [63.16%])
Yep. As I see it, the point of the game is to complete quests, gain treasure, and solve problems. Ambling along a road for 5-10 real minutes in order to get to the target area really doesn't advance the game for me :shrug:
I truely don't see a difference other than a few coins with the following:
Hop a boat, have the screen blank out, load, reappear and you're there.
Click destination, have the screen blank out, load, reappear, and you're there.
Very little differnce, and it doesn't affect me.
Now if you let me shout, and I kind of warp to a destination that I can see, while others can see me and I might get attacked, knocked out of the sky, smack into the side of a cliff, etc....that's be tres interesante!

BUT, this is still a form of fast travel, right?
Off to read the thread and/or percolate my ideas