I have to agree.
Sadly though a ton of people will bash on you for bringing up the 'Multiplayer' idea.
Personally I think they are just being stupid. Would having multiplayer co-op affect them? NO. SO SHUT UP. If it's there, it's there for the people who want it!
If you don't want it, DON'T USE IT! It's as simple as that!
As for the others things, I also have to agree on.
I think Bethesda was premature of setting the release date of 11.11.11. and sticking to it quite arrogantly.
So much more could have been added, tweaked and fixed, but they stubbornly decided not to and want their 'special' 11.11.11 release.
Honestly I would rather them implant all these things and have the release for 12.12.12!
Just my opinion though. I feel ya bro. I wish they had all those things. :cryvaultboy:
I will admit right away that I only read to the multiplayer part of this, particularly the "NO" part. YES IT WOULD [censored] AFFECT US! You ignorant son of.. ARGH! Usually I would delete that part, take a civilized approach, but the fact that you say it like that, either means you loco ignorant, or downright stupid. I prefer to place my bet on the first, so I'll enlighten you.
First off, YOU want this game to compete with a game obviously designed for multiplayer, something this game is NOT. Its the same reason people are whining about destruction magic. People has gotten so stuck in the mindset of multiplayer, and balacing, that they simply can't enjoy a good old adventure game. It won't be long (if it hasn't already happend) before we have people complaining about "Too much talk in the game". Anyway I'm getting off point. Point is, if you make this into a multiplayer, then pvp will have to be addressed (we already have to live with the indestructive NPC's.. Adding more of that only serve to kill the RPG part of the game even more). So now we have multiplayer with pvp, at the very least duels... And what ALWAYS has to follow when you have a player vs player environment today, even if its just a tiny part of the game? Balance... Now half the effort of the game delevopment will have to dedicated to this part of the game, taking away from all the rest. Now we get less of the stuff that makes the game what it is, and of that thing that always leads to the death of an RPG, and the birth of a competitive pvp game... Multiplayer.
I guess in away, as soon as you start wanting or needing to calculate DPS, and numbers, and where to grind stuff (going to the same mine twice because it has gold isn't the same as grinding), is essentially when immersion dies, and with, the RPG part. Once thats gone, why do we need the long NPC talks? And why does mining take so freaking long for 2 ore pieces? and why can't we have a bigger world? More professions? Guilds? Maybe an Arena? Why not just make an MMO while we are at it, I'm sure an MMO Elder Scrolls would be a big hit (with everyone but the fans who was part of getting Bethesda to the point where they could afford to make it).
Another thing people seem to forget, is this is NOT AN MMO (I believe I mentioned that?). That means it doesn't get "patches with new content" and all that other jazz. It gets fixes, some DLC, and thats it! I have seen several posts from people wanting a complete rework of several integral parts of the game.. I mean seriously what are you people thinking?
If you want this sort of jazz, go play a game thats designed for it, and stop trying to pull the Elder Scrolls series that way. If we are lucky we'll get one or two more games like this, BEFORE it falls into the MMO trap.
Rant over.