Questionable Lack of Features in PC Version

Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:47 pm

Dear Bethseda,

It'd be great if you could read this and give replies to these following issues...

  • You built a new game engine for Skyrim. Why is there no cloth simulation? For modders, cloth simulation would have been a very fun toy to work with! :(
    No, its gamebryo with some changes, as always.

  • The hairstyles. Oh god, the hair. It feels like I'm still stuck in 2005. Why? Havok's many physics packages that are available could have made this much more lively. Was it budget constraints that prevented Bethseda from implementing this?
    Bethesda are rolling in millions, it wouldn't be budget. Just laziness.

  • DirectX 11. Why is that non-existent in Skyrim?
    But it is existent in skyrim...

  • The design of the UI. Why does it feel like it was geared towards consoles, and not properly adapted for the PC? It's just a few command swaps, from my perspective. It would have truly been a PC centric title if the drag-and-drop inventory management system from Morrowind was married with Oblivion's inventory management system. That way, it would be usable by both PC and Consoles.
    PC user here, I like the UI, its fine when you're used to it.

  • And finally, this question: Why does Skyrim, on its face, feel like a last-gen game despite large world scale and depth of the mechanics present? Perhaps it's a technical side of the game that makes it feel that way? (Here's what I percieve: Lack of DX11, no cloth simulation, everything seems to have been made using techniques from before 2010, etc.)
    Gamebryo. Bethesda don't like change it seems.

  • When a storm happens in the city, why does nothing seem to be impacted by the storm? I'm talking store signs and trees. They just stand stock-still as if made of stone while a blizzard whiteout howls throughout the night. This was a huge immersion-breaker, though people who would not have normally noticed such details, would have seen the details had they really been impacted by the wind. (Their reaction: "Hey, that's pretty cool! The signs sway when the storm's a-heavin'!")
    Very hard to implement with gamebryo.

  • Also, one last thing: Why is there no multiplayer function at all? I mean...the ability to host a 6-player session in a persistent world version of Skyrim, would have been a great way to gradually bring the Elder Scrolls into competition with Neverwinter Nights. It would have been nice if I could have had a friend coming along with me for the ride to defeat Alduin, the World Eater.

That's just a stupid question. TES has always been single player and always will.

So, that's pretty much all I have for my grievances with Skyrim. All told, Skyrim is definitely a Game of the Year contender. I just feel that a little more work on asset and physics development (cloth simulation, for example, so we could have properly flowing capes and dresses, as well as flowing hair) would have made the game world feel so much more alive.


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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:55 pm

I was partially with you until you mentioned multiplayer.

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Michelle Smith
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:42 pm

I have a few complaints, but certainly none involving the alleged lack of multiplayer.

I understand that it is a popular feature. Most of my friends get in line every year for the FPS franchise updates. They're happy to pay $60 for a 3-4 hour single player campaign so long as it supplies hours of multiplayer against swearing 12 year olds.

As for me? I'm just happy that at least Bethesda is still catering to the single player fans.
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louise tagg
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:53 am

I just studied the cloth flapping animations of a ragged flag sitting on top of a wrecked tower in the middle of a blizzard.

Nope...looks like it's just a canned animation. That partially confirms my belief that Bethseda did not use Havok Cloth.

P.S. I only brought up the multiplayer point because I miss the days of Neverwinter Nights. The NWN2 game is fine and dandy, but it seems...paltry, compared to the depth and breadth of the Oblivion and Skyrim worlds. I was simply expressing my wish to play in such a world with friends. You can keep complaining about it, but it's just that: a wish, and I understand that adding multiplayer would alter the Elder Scrolls calculus, and I respect that.
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Enie van Bied
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:17 am

When a developer says a feature isn't possible because of mechanics/gameplay reasons. They are making up excuses because they don't want to put forward any effort to think. There's no reason multiplayer would effect anything single player even if you are an introverted hermit. Which case you don't need to play with someone else if you don't want to. If both of you are doing separate things in separate towns, why exactly are you playing together again? Some of the reasoning you people have is insulting.

I don't really care what your console can or can't do. The console verison is going to be long dead before the PC version is and it's going to keep selling because of mods. Just a years time what version do you really think someone is going to buy from recommendations? Where do you think these features go after a game has passed it's time? They go into the next game that will be recycling the engine. Consoles is a really poor excuse to not have new features. There's also countless console only games that have these features and have had them for YEARS. Cloth and hair physics is not too demanding for a console.

It's just like the compression excuse, every game since forever has been utilizing compression. The normal map compression artifacts just tells me they were willing to sacrifice quality to do it.

So they did not include DX11 features to target a boarder audience... :banghead:
Brilliant, is there anything else that haven't been complained about how the true and honest fanbase is being stripped because Bethesda is an evil money-grubbing company who hates their fans?

Having a separate exe for DX9 and DX11/10.1 is such backbreaking work for a large company. That thing every almost single company does that has an engine supporting DX11. The best part of all is that 11 is easier to manage ending up costing less after implementation.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:25 pm

I was partially with you until you mentioned multiplayer.

Lol same. Keep TES Singleplayer, please.
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Timara White
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:26 am

P.S. I only brought up the multiplayer point because I miss the days of Neverwinter Nights. The NWN2 game is fine and dandy, but it seems...paltry

Neverwinter Nights are still happily alive. Hells, I've still got my own permanent server running 24/7!
You should drop by Dragon Myrth if you still have the game installed :D
Check the forums here:
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Betsy Humpledink
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:06 pm

Neverwinter Nights are still happily alive. Hells, I've still got my own permanent server running 24/7!
You should drop by Dragon Myrth if you still have the game installed :D
Check the forums here:

I uninstalled it because I got tired of the clique-like Roleplay servers, and most of the other servers were uninteresting. No, what I was more or less trying to say was that there is a potential market for a limited co-op multiplayer function in the Elder Scrolls, where you could invite a friend to join you in your own persistent world. You know, like Fable 3.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:08 am

I was partially with you until you mentioned multiplayer.

Same here. Agree the graphics should be better on PC but not too Bothered about MP
Coop mode could be fun but i love playing these games at my own pace.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:36 am

  • Also, one last thing: Why is there no multiplayer function at all? I mean...the ability to host a 6-player session in a persistent world version of Skyrim, would have been a great way to gradually bring the Elder Scrolls into competition with Neverwinter Nights. It would have been nice if I could have had a friend coming along with me for the ride to defeat Alduin, the World Eater.

This is what pretty much invalidates your opinion in my eyes. As for this game being geared towards consoles, of course it would be. It would be stupid to focus more on the PC version of a game that only accounted for 14% of the total sales.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:20 am

Same here. Agree the graphics should be better on PC but not too Bothered about MP
Coop mode could be fun but i love playing these games at my own pace.

That's the thing, if they actually did it properly you wouldn't even notice the difference playing alone.

This is what pretty much invalidates your opinion in my eyes. As for this game being geared towards consoles, of course it would be. It would be stupid to focus more on the PC version of a game that only accounted for 14% of the total sales.

So which one is going to keep bringing in money after a year or more?
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Danii Brown
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:08 pm

Honestly I have no idea why people are against a simple co-op multiplayer.

All of these are things that would have been cool, I just don't know if they could have implemented them all, and keep in mind most if not all would be just for the PC, as much as many people would wish they can't just ignore consoles, but they can't ignore the PC either.

I hope multiplayer stays away from this series. As soon as it gets infected, Bethesda will wonder why didn't adopt the cash cow sooner. From that point onwards TES will become primarily a multiplayer game, and in all likelihood a direct competitor to wow and similar nonsense. This will make for some tragic design decisions and will unavoidably affect the the single player game. Maybe some don't think that's such a bad thing? I do.

I appreciate you said 'coop' but that's not the way it'll go. Certainly not just 'coop' anyway.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:00 pm

Its not a new engine >.>
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:22 am

Why are people taking the multiplayer suggestion so far out of context? lol...I'm not recommending something like competitive PvP or even an MMO. God forbid that TES ever gets a multiplayer feature that supports more than 10 players, period. The depth and breadth of the world would be sacrificed if we went with a feature that was larger than at least three, due to development constraints.

Anyway, Hunter_Killers has a point: The game version with the longest staying power, is the one that should be worth investing more resources into. The console versions will stop selling after a year or two.
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Robert Bindley
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:08 pm

I was nodding in acceptance while reading until I came to the multiplayer part.

The Elder Scrolls is a single player RPG series and adding Co-Op would take a huge amount of work on Bethesdas part. Work which could instead be focused on more important things.

And how would the characters work anyway? I don't think anyone likes to play an RPG in Co-Op that doesn't save the character you are playing and if the players were Dovahkiin 1/2/3/4 it would be pretty horrible in my opinion.

I'll finish with a quote:
Player asking M'Aiq about multiplayer in Morrowind:

"M'Aiq does not know this word. You wish others to help you in your quest? Coward! If you must, search for the Argonian Im-Leet, or perhaps the big Nord, Rolf the Uber. They will certainly wish to join you."

-M'Aiq the Liar
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Mélida Brunet
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:00 pm

I was nodding in acceptance while reading until I came to the multiplayer part.

The Elder Scrolls is a single player RPG series and adding Co-Op would take a huge amount of work on Bethesdas part. Work which could instead be focused on more important things.

And how would the characters work anyway? I don't think anyone likes to play an RPG in Co-Op that doesn't save the character you are playing and if the players were Dovahkiin 1/2/3/4 it would be pretty horrible in my opinion.

I'll finish with a quote:
Player asking M'Aiq about multiplayer in Morrowind:

"M'Aiq does not know this word. You wish others to help you in your quest? Coward! If you must, search for the Argonian Im-Leet, or perhaps the big Nord, Rolf the Uber. They will certainly wish to join you."

-M'Aiq the Liar

lol. Who said I wanted the multiplayer to be for Skyrim? :P It was just a thought worth entertaining for the next Elder Scrolls.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:21 pm

But, then there are these basemant dwellers. They only play solo, and for some, it is quite litteraly their world. They are terrified that if multiplayer was implemented, it might, in some magical way, deprive them of a pixel of their solo game. So they attack those who dare mention it. It's just plain selfish and rude, the old "dog in the manger" story, when it comes down to it. It won't affect them in any way, but they don't care, they got'a make sure your attacked if you dare to mention MP. You'll notice people who socilize and want MP in games, never ever complain that single player enchancements might upset them and the way they enjoy playing.

I've been coming to these forums for ten years and it seems a lot of shut-ins frequent these forums. Any time someone mentions World of Warcraft or any other mmo (even if it is in no direct relation to TES), a lot of people (who have probably never even played an mmo) get their panties in a bunch and start flaming the poster. As you can see here, even the words co-op and multiplayer will get that response. Co-op games are fun, assuming you actually have some friends or family to play with.

No, what I was more or less trying to say was that there is a potential market for a limited co-op multiplayer function in the Elder Scrolls, where you could invite a friend to join you in your own persistent world. You know, like Fable 3.

A two player co-op should be relatively simple to tack on. It could work a lot like Borderlands: if one player initiates fast travel to another area, the other player automatically follows. Because Skyrim has a large open world, players would have to be tethered to xx meters. That isn't a problem because the goal is to play together, not go off and do your own thing. Just like you said, a friend joins your persistent world, which is scaled to your level and you play your quests. The friend would take over the role of the AI companion. I don't see how this could not work.

As for your other criticisms: the game was designed entirely for the consoles, with little or no thought going into the PC version. Skyrim doesn't really revolutionize anything over Fallout 3 or even Oblivions, it's evolution at best. The game feels like a last generation game because it is. Skyrim is a good game (it's certainly a lot better than Oblivion), but I still feel it could have been much better, with or without co-op multiplayer.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:09 pm

They made it just good enough to get out the door and now will rely on the modders to fix everything that should have been included in the first place.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:24 am

The hairstyles are very crappy, its so wire looking, besides i miss the option to custom colour it and adjust the length.

And i woudnt mind somekinda multiplayer option, not like an MMO btw, most MMO attracts lootcrazy [censored]s who rush through the game like an idiot.
A small multiplayer thing would be awesome, Skyrim is an pretty fun game and would be even better to share the adventures with someone else.
Maybe an extra Inn could be modded into every big city to chat with other people, play card games or other mini games, like an 10 a 15 ppl max to avoid lag and huge amount of texts popping up?
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louise tagg
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:14 am

There are alot of features I would like including cloth physics. I mainly don't like consoles because of how they are designed. They should have physics being processed on the GPU not the CPU because the GPU is billions of times faster at it but the console can't do that it has to be done on the CPU with how the hardware and drivers and API's are. I believe you can blame the console designers/sdk developers for the lack of quality in their products. I do have an xbox and like some games on it but not shooters or ES. I will say though my first introduction into ES was Morrowind on the first xbox where I quickly found I liked the PC version more.

Multiplayer: During development of Morrowind, Oblivion, and now Skyrim Bethesda has said they will not include multi-player and probably never will. During Oblivions development cycle Bethesda said they considered multi-player and even looked into it but they did not like the path it was taking them down and they wanted to focus on the single player aspects. Clearly they have outright said ES will never have multi-player in the foreseeable future. Telling someone they are an idiot or hermit for not wanting multiplayer is just plain stupid as is telling someone they are ignorant for wanting the feature is equally stupid. I personally love multi-player shooters but would never play another multi-player RPG.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:37 am

Personally? Most people oppose to multiplayer, only a small playerbase gains something and it drains a lot of resources for that who would be better spent on other parts of the game.

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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:41 am

Dear Bethseda,

It'd be great if you could read this and give replies to these following issues...

[*]You built a new game engine for Skyrim. Why is there no cloth simulation? For modders, cloth simulation would have been a very fun toy to work with! :(

[*]The hairstyles. Oh god, the hair. It feels like I'm still stuck in 2005. Why? Havok's many physics packages that are available could have made this much more lively. Was it budget constraints that prevented Bethseda from implementing this?

[*]DirectX 11. Why is that non-existent in Skyrim?

firstly i'd say this is a RPG and not a TECH DEMO for one thing i'd say.

secondly, many people do not have the beefiest computer to play the game at max settings and enjoy a pleasant frame rate let alone cosmetic things like cloth and hair.

multiplayer? as mentioned this is an RPG not a semi-MMO. even if it were thats another thing that would most likely affect frame rates.

i think we all would love to have these spiffy features but gameplay comes first i think - with a reasonable amount of eye candy.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:25 pm

Honestly I have no idea why people are against a simple co-op multiplayer.

really? Look at fable2 there's your simple co-op. Is there any reason to bring that in? No. The fact is If they brought co-op in and it wastefully developed just imagine the shot-storm that these forums would be. Especially on the Pc player side. They'd be whining about the interface, they'd whine about how Bethesda shouldn't have bothered with a multi-player mode if it wasn't fully developed, and then you have the sheer amount of extra bugs it'd cause. Console players would be whining about how PC players have it better because of the ability to mod some of the online features to make it not completely fail.

Then if they decided to make a fully developed Multi-Player mode you'd have people complaining about the problems with lore(ong two dragonborn and two neravarine at the same time) and whining about any single player bugs that appear claiming that the addition of MP caused Bethesda to be lazy with single player and not try and fix the bugs.

Also I love seeing all the whining from PC players about minor glitches or the UI. Let's not forget how much harder games are to optimize for PC. How many hardware configurations do they have to optimize the game on for the 360? One? How about ps3? 1 again? How about PC? Millions..... Oh and with Pc you have to deal with that whole piracy thing. Go PC.

That said, I'll be picking up a PC copy once the goty edition is out.... Those mods, gotta have those mods.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:42 pm

You are really asking why?

1. Loads of work. Most people wouldn't even appreciate it enough.
2. Todays consoles are too weak to process all that stuff.
3. Multiplayer doesn't suit the game.

What I don't understand, why there are even fairly easy things missing.
- Why is it still always bright outside, if I am in a house?
- Why can't you hear any rain-drops on the roof in a house, if it's raining outside?
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