Questions about Animation

Post » Fri May 16, 2014 4:29 pm

I have an idea of how to get custom animations in game, but i'm having a few basic problems and questions.

1) I have the havok tools, the Havok Preview tool, when I try to open a .hkx file it throws up an error. First i tried the vanilla hkx file from the bsa, but no worky. Then i converted the vanilla hkx file to the xml hkx version using hkxcmd. but it still doesn't load. Wondering if i'm missing something.

2) Wondering how the animation works for crates and door. I can't seem to convert the hkx files to kf using hkxcmd, the tutorial i was watching showed that you have to use the skeleton.hkx as a base. Now i got the first person animations using the skeletonfirst.hkx, but the only skeleton i found for clutter was the singleboneskeleton.hkx but it threw up some errors. Just wondering, b/c i really want to see how all the containers, chests and door work in 3ds.

3) I'd like to start off by just animating this simple door (below); also interested if there may already be an animation i could use for it without making a custom one.

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Emma Copeland
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