In the game (on a PC running Windows 10) one can find easily (Esc-key) the keys/mouse commands for many commands, but I can't find:
1) the one to turn on/off the Pip-Boy light/Power Armor Light
2) a) does the companion also heal while one sleeps? in any case, how do I check the health the
companion (to-date only the Dog who ran into my gunfire) so that I can (if I need to) heal him/her/it/them?
if one has to heal them, how do I do so?
3) I have a very damaged leg, I have tried to get a Stimpak into it like I remember doing in a previous life (FO 3) but I every time I equip a Stimpak in the inventory it uses one up "generically" --- do we not have specific body part healing ability anymore? Like in the real world, sleeping does not repair limb damage very quickly. [Does Bethesda just not provide an instruction manual anymore as part of the price tag?]
Thanks for any helpful answers. Happy Holidays and Happy Hunting or Settlement Building (not there yet).