1. How did Sheogorath forbid him to die? Did he just say, "You shall not die.", or was it that he put some sort of spell-type thing on him so he literally couldn't die?
2. Does Sheogorath really have the power to keep people from dying? I knew he's powerful, but I always imagined Sheogorath's powers lie elsewhere.
3. How much does he really know? Is he omniscient?
4. Were the formulae in the Library able to predict events that happen in a Dragon Break?
5. I assume this is the case, but lore-wise, did he know about the events of Skyrim before the game even came out?
6. Has Dyus been there throughout every era and endured every Greymarch? Like, has he been in the Library since the other Daedra cursed Jyggalag to live as Sheogorath?
7. He was surprised that the player was able to succeed in obtaining the Staff, when all of his predictions stated that the CoC would fail. Does this link, perhaps, with what Sheogorath says about time? Paraphrase of what he says: "Time... time is an artificial construct. An arbitrary system based upon the idea that events occur in a linear path at all times. Always forward, never back. Is the concept of time correct?" . And could this link, in any way, with Akatosh?
Hopefully my questions make sense.