Questions about perks and skills

Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:24 am

I am a level 14 dark elf and I have a question about perks. Lets take the archery perk for example. The first "unlock" in the tree has 5 parts. The first of five gives you 20% damage with bows. Or does it? As long as your archery is at level 20 or something right? Then the second of 5 gives you 40% damage with bows but you have to have your archery to level 40. So when I level archery to level 40 and use that perk, then my bow will do 40% more damage, correct? Now, with the first perk in the tree being a fractional thing, can I use perks on anything above the first perk in the tree or do I have to spend five perks in archery to unlock anything else?

Second, In Oblivion what you chose as your birth sign, I think, determined what your major and minor skills were. When you leveled your major skills you leveled up. I think. :). In skyrim what determines what skills you start with more level in, or start with more XP in. I believe that by choosing the mage stone, that raised my xp level in magic like destruction and conjuration. Is that right?

I guess I am just wondering because I know I chose the mage stone, and I started with higher XP/skill in magic's, But I am wondering about the archery. where does that fall in? Thief or warrior or mage. Is there a good website that explains how that works. The wiki for skyrim isnt that great as of yet.

Any insight appreciated!!
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Dan Stevens
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:04 am

You only need to unlock the first perk in a tree to pick the the next perk/perks in line, if you have a high enough skill of course. And there are no major or minor skills now, picking the thief,warrior or mage stone will make the respective skills level faster by 20% percent. these stones are very useful though out the game until you find another stone that interests you. Hope that helps.
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Poetic Vice
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:24 am

40% more damage unlocks at level 20-ish.

You (sadly) need to invest one point in a perk to unlock other perks.''

Skill bonuses to start are determined by race. You can get a leg up by choosing the stone that matches your playstyle, but your initial skills are a direct function of race. (ie, I choose Warrior Stone, Heavy Armor will level quicker than Enchanting)

Archery is a stealth skill, so you would use the Thief Stone.
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