Questions about Respawning

Post » Thu Sep 10, 2015 9:43 am

As the topic states, I am confused by the way respawns have changed from the way they were before the dlc and current patches were introduced. As I understand it, to stop respawns from ever occurring, whether it be npcs, containers, or items, all I had to do was to set the global setting for cellrespawns and cellrespawnscleared to either some impossible number like -1 or an extremely high most likely unobtainable number like 999 million hours. This had worked for the longest time in Skyrim, albeit there were problems this caused with radiant quests(such as for the Jarl to become Thane), but this was fixed by waiting until end game when I would go to clear all the dungeons. However, with the addition of either the patches or perhaps the DLC, something changed. It seems that now cellrespawns and cellrespawnscleared only affect containers, NPCs and items laid out through an area continue to respawn as normal. The only thing that seems to affect this generic respawn is if the item/s or cell is set in the creation kit not to respawn. I'm not sure if it's even possible to change the same settings via console, or if doing so would even permaset those settings in the game(or only until the next reload). What was changed? Were there extra settings added or was it made so that the only way to stop respawns altogether was to set the items/npcs individually in the creation kit? I've long since gave up on Skyrim's respawns since after spending about 2.5 weeks clearing every single area in both vanilla and DLC, only to have all the items and enemies return, but i'm afraid they might use a similar respawn for Fallout 4. What would be even worse would be if they used a combination of respawns like in Skyrim and the area triggers/script infinite respawns from Fallout: New Vegas. Anyone have any clues to circumvent this other than arduously changing thousands of single things through the CK? Thanks in advance.

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Samantha Pattison
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